Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Recent Polls

* Policymic has some interesting notes about some recent polls:

First this: Obama is winning in the key swing states, necessary to give him the electoral college lead in terms of delegates. As U.S. News reports, with less than two months to go before the November election, President Obama has built a "structural advantage" in key swing states which makes him the favorite to defeat Romney, says a prominent Democratic strategist.

As the story reports, Obama's strength among African Americans, Latinos, unmarried women and young people is translating into a powerful asset in the nine swing states that will decide the election — Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia, and Wisconsin. These states have 110 of the 270 electoral votes needed for victory.

Ohio is the deathblow in that list: many pundits believe Ohio is critical if Romney has any chance at winning....
We've got to make certain that we vote for President Obama.

• Some residents of Ohio have had rallies across the state to protest fracking.
Cleveland Plain Dealer:

About a dozen concerned Geauga County residents gathered in Hambden Township on Wednesday as part of a nationwide outcry against controversial methods used to draw petroleum and natural gas from the earth. 

They held a rally along Ohio 166 outside one of the county's two toxic waste injection wells to protest hydraulic fracturing, commonly known as fracking....

....Other rallies were held in Portage, Lake, Mahoning and Stark counties. 

Other Ohioans may protest fracking in the coming months.
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Oh, dear. I guess I'll need to stop visiting Hobby Lobby.

Christian-oriented Hobby Lobby Stores Inc. filed a federal lawsuit Wednesday challenging a mandate in the nation's health care overhaul law that requires employers to provide coverage for the morning-after pill and similar drugs....

Why do companies feel the need to come between their employees and their physicians?

>>>>> Lawrence O'Donnell mentioned Nate Silver's latest update from the FiveThirtyEight Blog:

Chances of winning the election
President Obama 80.8%.................................Mitt Romney 19.2%

Good news!

••••• Mitt Romney's fiasco of inserting his nose into events in Egypt and Libya, shows that Romney (a) doesn't understand the critical issues of foreign policy, (b) he should not jump into something he knows nothing about because he is only a candidate.  We only have one President at a time, and that is President Barack Obama.

* Our nation mourns the deaths of our fellow Americans in Libya. Our condolences to their families, friends, and co-workers.  See the State Department for updates.