Friday, October 22, 2010

The Kasich Seven?

The CNN headline reads, "Republican heavy weights to Ohio," and it refers to Haley Barbour and Chris Christie coming to the state to support Kasich.  I think we have enough pompous jerks in the Ohio GOP and we don't need any additional Republican "heavy weights" from other states.  Big deal.

I'm still trying to figure out how anyone would consider voting for Kasich when he used his Ohio contacts to get the pension funds to invest in worthless investments at Lehman Brothers.

* has a chart showing the way Kasich has funded his political endeavors. ComecleanKasich also points to the Kasich seven:

The cornerstone of John Kasich’s campaign are 633 major givers of $1,000 or more in the FIRE (financial, insurance and real estate) business sector – many of them with Wall Street connections. (See “Wall Street, FIRE”  article adjacent to this blog.) Among them are the “Kasich Seven” – former Lehman executives now with other financial firms, who have two ties to John Kasich.
1.    The “Kasich Seven” contributed from $2,000 to $5,000 each to the Kasich campaign since 2009.
2.    Like Kasich, they were former Lehman Brothers executives or associates before or during Kasich’s eight years at the firm.....

Check out the ComecleanKasich website for other details.