Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Time for Women to Vote Out GOP Neanderthals

 As a woman, I don't think it is my business to stand in the way of any female that feels that having an abortion is her only option. When a female has been raped or is a victim of incest, she has been victimized, and suffers from physical and mental injuries.  The last thing we need is for some men from the Republican Party to dictate to women what happens next after an unplanned pregnancy. There are even some Republicans that want women who've been raped/victims of incest to be jailed for having an abortion.

Women are disgusted that these Republicans think that they have the right to determine what a woman decides about her birth control, or an unplanned pregnancy. Here is a review of what some of these Republicans have said---

(1) Republican Richard Mourdock of Indiana said the following (13abc):

Indiana Republican Senate candidate Richard Mourdock refused to apologize Wednesday for saying that rape resulting in pregnancy is "something God intended."

....Mourdock, meanwhile, dove into damage control Wednesday, explaining that he abhors violence of any kind and regrets that some may have misconstrued and "twisted" his comments. But he stood behind the original remark in Tuesday night's debate.
"I spoke from my heart. And speaking from my heart, speaking from the deepest level of my faith, I would not apologize. I would be less than faithful if I said anything other than life is precious, I believe it's a gift from God," Mourdock said at a news conference Wednesday....

There is one more thing about Richard Mourdock that shows his extremism in his opposition to the auto rescue program that saved thousands of American jobs and the American car industry.


...As state treasurer, Mourdock more than opposed the Chrysler bailout, he sued to block it, arguing that it would undermine pensions for teachers and state police officers.
"He single-handedly tried to destroy the auto industry," Donnelly said in an interview. Donnelly cited his own work with the man Mourdock upended in the bitter Republican primary, six-term Sen. Richard Lugar, to save the auto sector....

(2) Mitt Romney
Mitt Romney is the guy that said, "Let Detroit go bankrupt," also has some prehistoric views about women.  Republican candidate for President, Mitt Romney, wants to "get rid" of Planned Parenthood, which is the largest provider of women's health care in the country. Today, Mitt Romney had the following remark about Mourdock's comment about rape (State Journal):

...GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney's campaign quickly said he disagrees with Mourdock, but did not cancel a television ad in which Romney endorses him....

Romney doesn't care that Mourdock disrespects women and wants to limit women's reproductive rights. Women are just not that important to Romney. Ask him why there were no female partners at Bain Capital. Romney was not a bi-partisan governor in Massachusetts. He used his veto 800+ times and the Democratic majority over rode his vetoes more than 700 times.

(3) Paul Ryan
Republican Rep. Paul Ryan is the guy that forced his way into a Youngstown soup kitchen for a photo op, even though the meal had already been served, and all the dishes, pots, and pans had already been scrubbed, cleaned and dried.  Paul Ryan is that pushy bully that wants to impose his views on everyone. Just like he barged his way into a soup kitchen when he didn't have the director's permission, he wants to barge his way into your gynecological exam room with you and your physician.

Paul Ryan called rape another form of conception and voted repeatedly to defund Planned Parenthood. Paul Ryan would ban some forms of birth control pills, and despite what he has said on the campaign trail, is against abortion, even in cases of rape or incest. 

Besides women's rights, Paul Ryan also wants to cut Medicare, WIC (Women, Infants, and Children), Head Start, Pell Grants, aid to K-12 education, the SNAP program (formerly called food stamps), and voted against the Lilly Ledbetter Act.  All these programs help women.

(4) Josh Mandel
Republican candidate for Senate, Josh Mandel, currently is serving as Ohio's absent Treasurer. He puts only several hours per month in his Treasurer's office, while his campaign is being supported by far right special interest groups that are anti-women, anti-public education, anti-auto workers, anti-unions, anti-middle class, anti-fair pay, anti-worker's rights, etc.  Josh Mandel's supporters want to give tax cuts for the rich, allow corporations to make profits off educating our children, dispose of safety regulations, allow corporations to dump dangerous substances into our environment, and allow corporations to get tax cuts even if they outsource jobs to other countries.

Most importantly, Josh Mandel is also against women's reproductive rights, and is against abortion for any reason. Josh Mandel also was against the auto bailout that saved 800,000+ auto-related jobs in Ohio.

Women need to get together, talk to their partners/spouses, voting-age children, and neighbors and tell them that we must support President Obama and Democrats.  We are not going back in time. As women, we need to stand up for ourselves, our daughters, and our sons. Stand up for fairness.

(5) Todd Akin
The Republican from Missouri who is seeking to go to the Senate is Todd Akin.  Todd Akin is the guy that made that comment about "legitimate rape" that was condemned for its inaccuracy, and his questioning of the legitimacy of a rape.  Now there is more about Todd Akin.

CBS News:

Missouri Senate candidate Todd Akin was repeatedly arrested during anti-abortion protests in the 1980s, including at least once when police had to carry him away, a newspaper reported Tuesday....

....The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported on its website Tuesday that its newspaper archives include at least three accounts of Akin being arrested in March and April of 1985 for criminal trespass and resisting arrest at abortion clinics in the St. Louis area. He apparently never was charged.

The St. Louis police department also confirmed, in response to an open-records filed by a representative of the liberal advocacy group People For the American Way, that Akin was arrested May 9, 1987, but it said records of the arrest were closed under state law because Akin never convicted....

Adding to Todd Akin's ignorance about anatomy is the fact that he is a member of the "Science" committee in the House of Representatives. Really.

Vote for President Obama!


Did you know that Mitt Romney made money on the auto bailout that he was against?

Mitt Romney's opposition to the auto bailout has haunted him on the campaign trail, especially in Rust Belt states like Ohio. There, in September, the Obama campaign launched television ads blasting Romney's November 2008 New York Times op-ed, "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt." But Romney has done a good job of concealing, until now, the fact that he and his wife, Ann, personally gained at least $15.3 million from the bailout — and a few of Romney's most important Wall Street donors made more than $4 billion. Their gains, and the Romneys', were astronomical — more than 3,000 percent on their investment.....

Read the rest of the article at TheInvestigativeFund.