Thursday, October 25, 2012

Josh Mandel Disrespects Rape Victims and All Women

> Josh Mandel, Republican candidate for Senate, finally has something to say about Indiana Republican Richard Mourdock's rape comment.

Columbus Dispatch:

Ohio Treasurer and U.S. Senate candidate Josh Mandel wasn't shy today in backing fellow Republican Richard Mourdock despite his comments about pregnancy from rape being God's will.

On Wednesday, Mandel declined to comment on Mourdock when asked by a reporter. However, this morning Mandel was unstinting in supporting Mourdock, who is running for the U.S. Senate in Indiana. Mourdock sparked controversy when he said recently that, "even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that is something that God intended to happen."

In an interview today with Laura Ingraham, a conservative radio talk show host, Mandel said, "I've gotten to know Richard because we're both state states next door to each other. He's a gentleman. He's a class act. He's a thoughtful guy. He'll make a great U.S. senator."

There is more at the Dispatch link.

Josh Mandel is against equal pay for women, the auto bailout, and female reproductive rights. Josh Mandel is wrong for women and wrong for Ohio.