Wednesday, July 25, 2012


*** Racism from the Romney camp????


...What the London Daily Telegraph calls one of Romney’s “advisors” told the paper that Romney was better positioned to understand and respect the ‘special relationship’ between the US and Great Britain than President Obama, whose father was from Kenya.

Said the advisor: “We are part of an Anglo-Saxon heritage, and he feels that the special relationship is special. The White House didn’t fully appreciate the shared history we have.”

It appears that Mitt Romney is on a world tour to badmouth the President of the United States Barack Obama.  Romney has no foreign policy experience, and it shows.  He is proving to be the "ugly American" by smearing our country and President Obama. Shame.

Then again, what do you expect from Romney who flew in and paid for 200 African American supporters to be in the audience when he spoke at the NAACP convention (see LINK)?

**** One of the reasons Josh Mandel wanted to change the date of one of the debates because it was on a religious holiday.  Mr. Mandel flew to Bahamas on a Friday night to go talk to payday lenders at their convention (PlainDealer: 3/13/12).  That trip on a Friday raised a lot of eyebrows.

>>>>  Ohioans are most concerned about the possibility that Josh Mandel and the Senate Republicans will end or change Social Security and Medicare.  As long as Sherrod Brown remains in the Senate, we won't need to worry about it.  However, Mandel is a supporter of the Paul Ryan budget which basically says, "You're on your own, Grandma!"