Sunday, August 08, 2010

Neo-cons: Different Name, Same Far Right Agenda and Nutjobs

There is a new ad that is sponsored by the Emergency Committee for Israel that attacks Progressive Democrats. Do you know which people are part of the Emergency Committee for Israel????

The Neocons!!!!  

The people who pushed for the invasion of Iraq and pushed our country to the far, far, far right, the Neocons, have a new name ---- the Emergency Committee for Israel.  This new group is made up of far right Republicans (like William Kristol) who are hoping to push the U.S. to the far right again.  In the process of creating the Emergency Committee for Israel, the Neocons are attacking good Democrats, like Rep. Mary Jo Kilroy and Joe Sestak.  Both Kilroy and Sestak are pro-Israel but they are not Neo-cons.

Here is what Talking Points Memo had to say about the Emergency Committee for Israel:

....The main figures behind the Emergency Committee are Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol, Christian crusader Gary Bauer, and Rachel Abrams (daughter of former AIPAC official, Moshe Decter, step-daughter of Commentary editor Norman Podhoretz, and wife of Elliott Abrams, convicted for his role in the Iran/contra scandal, and herself an outspoken homophobe and extreme rightist. . Its media adviser is Michael Goldfarb, formerly of the McCain campaign, who earned his reputation with this unforgettable 2008 encounter with CNN's Rick Sanchez. 

Kristol describes the Emergency Committee as "the pro-Israel wing of the pro-Israel community." By that, he means that unlike AIPAC, which at least invokes US security, the Emergency Committee is only about Israel....

...But it is also about electing right-wingers because neocons understand that when it comes to unthinking, reflexive support for Binyamin Netanyahu and his self-destructive policies, extreme right-wingers are the best bet.... 

When the "Emergency Committee for Israel" (AKA Neo-cons) attack the fine work of Mary Jo Kilroy, they are going after her to help right winger and former bank lobbyist, Steve Stivers.  Steve Stivers, once considered a moderate, has now embraced the far right agenda of the Neo-cons. 

Here is today's political equation:

Neo-cons (AKA Emergency Committee for Israel) = Steve Stivers = Right Wingers

The Neo-cons gave us the Iraq war.  What are they planning this time and what does Steve Stivers have to do with it?