Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray has great reservations about Republican John Kasich's plan to privatize the Ohio Department of Development. In an article in today's Dispatch, Cordray notes that such a move to privatize the department would eliminate transparency.

The other issue is if such a move is even constitutional. If Kasich won, challenges to privatizing the Ohio Department of Development, could be tied up in the courts for a long time.

There are real concerns with Kasich's proposal. The Ohio Department of Development is responsible for millions and millions of dollars from the federal and state governments. Are you willing to turn that over to Kasich's cronies and let them dole it out to their buddies?

**** Do you know why Republican congressional candidate, Steve Stivers, a former bank lobbyist, was so upset about the banking reform bill?  It stops banks from raising your interest rates on credit cards whenever they damn well please.  Stivers, the best friend bankers ever had in politics, continues to pull in political contributions from nearly every banking PAC, bank executive, and finance companies in the country.  Bankers want and need Stivers to be their defender against regulations.

I find it very troubling that Steve Stivers has refused to sign a pledge to protect Social Security.

*  How has Republican Rob Portman subsidized his income after leaving the Bush White House?  Rob Portman works as a motivational speaker with Leading Authorities, a speakers bureau.  Here is an excerpt from Portman's bio from the Leading Authorities page:

On April 18, 2006, President George W. Bush nominated Rob Portman to be the 35th Director of the Office of Management and Budget....

....Portman speaks with wisdom and clarity about his experience working on tax and social security reform...

(Note: Speaks with wisdom? Did Portman write his own bio?)

Look at that phrase "social security reform" and try to guess what that means. You've got it!  "Social Security reform" = privatize Social Security. "Social Security reform" is just part of the vocabulary of the Republican thesaurus.

Sampling from the Republican thesaurus:

Social Security reform means privatize Social Security.

Too many federal regulations means cut safety laws, lower wages, let banks do whatever they please.

Too many taxes means give more tax cuts to the rich.

Tort reform means that businesses should not be able to be sued by private citizens, no matter what a business did.

The Republicans are providing more of the same old plans with different labels and words.