The Josh Mandel campaign must be run by third graders.
The Youngstown Vindicator:
...Mandel said Brown and his “team have shown they’re willing to lie about a lot of things.”
Mandel pointed to The Plain Dealer’s PolitiFact Ohio, a political fact-checking organization, as proof.
said PolitiFact determined Brown was “false” when he said in June 2011
that a Republican plan would end Medicare. The senator has since amended
the statement to include “as we know it.”
But when told that
PolitiFact found several of his statements to be “false,” “mostly
false,” or “pants in fire,” Mandel said: “I disagree with them. They’re
wrong.” Look at how Politifact has ruled on statements made by Sherrod Brown, and those made by Ohio's absent, Treasurer, Josh Mandel:
Politifact: Sherrod Brown--
Brown's statements by ruling
Click on the ruling to see all of Brown's statements for that ruling.
- True 9 (9)
- Mostly True 7 (7)
- Half True 2 (2)
- Mostly False 2 (2)
- False 2 (2)
- Pants on Fire 0 (0)
Sherrod Brown is a Democratic U.S. Senator representing Ohio.
Politifact: Josh Mandel--
Mandel's statements by ruling
Click on the ruling to see all of Mandel's statements for that ruling.
- True 3 (3)
- Mostly True 1 (1)
- Half True 4 (4)
- Mostly False 2 (2)
- False 2 (2)
- Pants on Fire 3 (3)
You can see Josh Mandel's "Pants on Fire" statements here.
Of course, what else do you expect from any campaign involving Josh Mandel? No one can forget the hateful campaign he put up against Kevin Boyce. Even Joe Hallett from the Dispatch called an ad by Josh Mandel in the 2010 campaign as " politician's ad as the scummiest so far...." Hallett went on and wrote, "...Mandel apparently wants Boyce's job so badly that he is willing to resort to bigotry to get it....."
In refusing to discuss issues, lie about his hires, refuse to provide resumes for those hires, and campaign on work time, Mandel has shown himself to be less than honest and trustworthy.