The Josh Mandel Lie/Smear/ Machine is in full operation. With no real legislative record, a newly hired staff filled with unqualified school friends, campaign workers, frat friends, and college buddies, Josh Mandel has nothing to stand on. The Josh Mandel campaign has become unable and unwilling to answer questions about issues, votes, hirings, or anything. Mandel's campaign is willing to smear Sen. Sherrod Brown, the champion of the middle class.
Josh Mandel just sent an email out claiming Sherrod Brown has a history of false & negative ads. JOSH MANDEL SAID THIS #ohsen #rofl
Ooooooops! Josh Mandel and his cronies need to read Politifact to check out how their statements have been judged:
Mandel's statements by ruling
Click on the ruling to see all of Mandel's statements for that ruling.
- True3(3)
- Mostly True1(1)
- Half True4(4)
- Mostly False2(2)
- False2(2)
- Pants on Fire3
Check out this YouTube video on Josh Mandel's problems with prevarication:
According to Open Secrets:
52% of Josh Mandel's contributions are from outside of Ohio.
Sen. Sherrod Brown has received only 37% of his campaign contributions from outside of Ohio.
•••••>>>>> It looks like Republican Rep. Joe Barton and the rest of the Republicans in the House are going to vote to slash Meals on Wheels for the Elderly and school lunch programs. Shame on them. Shame.
•••••••••••>>>> Now that we know that Josh Mandel doesn't care if people go to college (see for details on his remarks) and that he refuses to support low interest rates on college student loans, and renewing Pell Grants, the almost 400,000 college students in Ohio should support Sen. Sherrod Brown for re-election. Josh Mandel doesn't respect voters enough to speak on issues. College students at Ohio's universities (like OSU, BGSU, OU, Miami, CSU, Columbus State, Shawnee State, Cincinnati, Toledo, etc.)
Ohio's college students and their parents will be appalled to learn that Senate Republicans blocked the vote on freezing interest rates on college loans.
...A junior at Howard University said she had jumped “hurdle after hurdle to escape the cycles of poverty and drug abuse” in her home community to get to college. Now her student loan might be more expensive next year. Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, said that Democrats are trying to accomplish for that student what the GI bill accomplished in the postwar years. “Look at the prosperity it created for the whole country,” he said.....
Sen. Sherrod Brown (OH-Democrat) has been working hard on legislation that helps college students and their parents. Unfortunately, the Republicans would rather cut programs that help college students, and end programs that support food for the poor and elderly, so that they can give more cuts to their wealthy supporters. After all, the Republicans are falling in line with their nominee for president, Mitt "...corporations are people too..." Romney.
Republican Josh Mandel is able, willing, and able to fall in line with the powerful right wingers that are pulling his strings and giving him campaign cash. Why do you think that Americans for Prosperity, Freedom Works, and other anti-middle class groups are supporting him?
A vote for Josh Mandel could end your dreams of finishing college and college grants.
•••••>>>>> It looks like Republican Rep. Joe Barton and the rest of the Republicans in the House are going to vote to slash Meals on Wheels for the Elderly and school lunch programs. Shame on them. Shame.
•••••••••••>>>> Now that we know that Josh Mandel doesn't care if people go to college (see for details on his remarks) and that he refuses to support low interest rates on college student loans, and renewing Pell Grants, the almost 400,000 college students in Ohio should support Sen. Sherrod Brown for re-election. Josh Mandel doesn't respect voters enough to speak on issues. College students at Ohio's universities (like OSU, BGSU, OU, Miami, CSU, Columbus State, Shawnee State, Cincinnati, Toledo, etc.)
Ohio's college students and their parents will be appalled to learn that Senate Republicans blocked the vote on freezing interest rates on college loans.
...A junior at Howard University said she had jumped “hurdle after hurdle to escape the cycles of poverty and drug abuse” in her home community to get to college. Now her student loan might be more expensive next year. Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, said that Democrats are trying to accomplish for that student what the GI bill accomplished in the postwar years. “Look at the prosperity it created for the whole country,” he said.....
Republican Josh Mandel is able, willing, and able to fall in line with the powerful right wingers that are pulling his strings and giving him campaign cash. Why do you think that Americans for Prosperity, Freedom Works, and other anti-middle class groups are supporting him?
A vote for Josh Mandel could end your dreams of finishing college and college grants.