Friday, November 18, 2011

Don't Bother

Republican member of the Ohio House Mike Duffey, who continues to enthusiastically support Gov. John Kasich and SB5/Issue 2, has an E-Invite out for a fundraiser at the Sharon Township Memorial Hall on 11/29/11, from 6-8 pm.  Don't spend the money to support his campaign.  Instead, we should all work together to vote him out of office.

Duffey has stooped to complete laziness with this entry on his Facebook page:

Mike Duffey asked: Submit your ideas for bills I might sponsor in the legislature here and let your peers vote on them....

Isn't he getting paid to come up with legislation?  Why should constituents do his work?

Vote Smart has Duffey's voting record which includes his vote in support of restrictions on abortions, SB 5, reducing school funding, etc.  Obviously, Duffey does not support the same ideals and goals of his constituents, and has taken a far right turn.