Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Portman Hearts Insurance PACs

Former member of the Bush administration and best friend of the entire Bush family, Rob Portman, a Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, is doing more than hoping you don't get health care reform.

Dayton Daily News:
“I pray that it will not pass,” Portman said on Monday, March 15. His comments came in a meeting with members of the Dayton Daily News editorial board about the same time Obama was in Strongsville, a Cleveland suburb....

Talk about elitism! Portman has his health insurance and he doesn't think we need any changes to the status quo. Portman is doing a good job for the insurance PACs that have contributed to his campaign!

Aetna Insurance PAC (total) $5500
American Council of Life Insurers PAC (total) $5000

American Insurance Association PAC $1000

BluePAC Blue Cross Blue Shield Assoc. PAC (total) $5000

Metlife PAC $10,000

MVP Health Insurance PAC $2000

Nationwide Insurance Co. PAC $5000
New York Life Insurance Co. PAC (total) $7250

Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. PAC (total) $8000...

This is only a small sampling but it does indicate that Portman has sold his soul to the insurance company PACs. He'll do their bidding as long as they pay up in those nice campaign contributions.
If you want to find out the entire list, go to the FEC.gov site and check for Portman's PAC and individual contributions. They are pouring in the money for Portman. (Note: As if you needed another reason not to support Portman-- SarahPAC has contributed $3500 to the Portman campaign.)

Here is a picture from the Portman picture album, and jogging w/GW Bush.

This is the picture that says it all (Enquirer photo by Jeff Swinger):

Great pic for signs, posters and bumperstickers?