The Newark Advocate:
Democrats made one last sales pitch Tuesday on their proposed overhaul of Ohio's education system before their plan heads to the GOP-controlled Senate, where criticism and an uncertain future await.
The Democrats who control the Ohio House said the Ohio Association of School Business Officials had endorsed their plan to fix the state's school funding system, which has repeatedly been deemed unconstitutional by the Ohio Supreme Court. The funding change, and curriculum changes that stress problem-solving and interdisciplinary skills, are on track to pass the House today.....
*** Big changes ahead for Filene's, according to the Dispatch:
....Retail Ventures Inc., the Columbus-based retailer that bought Filene's Basement out of bankruptcy nine years ago, also raised the possibility that the chain could seek bankruptcy protection in a filing Monday with the Securities and Exchange Commission, but didn't provide details.
The filing also said Retail Ventures paid a California liquidator, Buxbaum Holdings Inc., $1.3 million in fees and $375,000 for expenses to dispose of Filene's Basement. Retail Ventures transferred Filene's Basement to Buxbaum a week ago.
Oh, no.
>>>>>>> That massive factory egg farm is already causing problems for the state and it hasn't even been built!!!!
A 6 million-chicken egg farm proposed for Union County doesn't need to get a state water-pollution permit right away and might never need one, according to the company that wants to build it.....
....The company, based in Johnston, Iowa, faces an Ohio EPA accusation that it's inevitable that manure from the farm will pollute nearby Bokes Creek.
The EPA wants the farm to apply for a permit that would set water-pollution limits, but company attorney Kevin P. Braig said yesterday that Hi-Q doesn't have to until at least six months before the operation opens. Even then, he said, a permit might not be necessary...
This is awful. Hi-Q is pitting itself against the state, the neighbors, and the environment. This can only get worse.