Friday, August 24, 2007

GOP Looking For A Candidate for Ohio's 15th

Ohio Republicans are looking for a candidate for Ohio's 15th congressional district. With Republican Rep. Deborah Pryce retiring, the Ohio GOP is searching for someone to run against Democrat Mary Jo Kilroy. However, no one has actually stepped forward and declared himself/herself a Republican candidate for the 15th. This has only allowed various Republicans to make lists of their favorites. Here are some excerpts from today's Dispatch:

Amid growing indications that former Ohio Attorney General Jim Petro might skip the race, leading Republicans hope to persuade former Columbus Mayor Greg Lashutka to run for the congressional seat held by retiring Rep. Deborah Pryce, R-Upper Arlington.

Although Lashutka, a senior vice president at Nationwide Insurance, has not indicated whether he would run against Democrat Mary Jo Kilroy, a growing number of GOP activists believe he is the candidate who most likely could keep the 15th Congressional District in GOP hands.....

....Sources said Petro, viewed as an early GOP frontrunner, is leaning against the congressional race and is keeping open the option of running for Ohio chief justice in 2010.....

The article also quotes State Representative Jim Hughes as declaring that he is not interested in Pryce's job because, according to the Dispatch, "....I don't want to be away from my family five days a week...."

Isn't it amazing that the Democrats' 5 day work week in the House of Representatives has turned off Republicans? Do Republicans just hate to work? Does this lack of work ethic by the Republicans explain why they accomplished so little when they were in control except to rubber stamp every Bush wish and whim? Obviously, the Democrats are getting a lot done in the House and the Senate and many Republicans don't have the heart to put in grueling full weeks of work. I'm sure Republican Rep. John Boehner's golf game has suffered tremendously under that Democratic controlled House. Because Boehner and other Republicans are being forced to work 5 days per week, he is just not getting in his practice rounds on the golf courses around the country! Poor thing.