Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Stivers---Doesn't See Importance of Agriculture???

>>>  Now that Republican Rep. Steve Stivers has a larger, more rural Ohio 15th district, I wonder how those in agricultural related jobs feel about some statements made by Stivers in a written questionnaire he did in 2010? (I posted this on StubbornLiberal in September 2010.)

Here is the entire Stivers list:

1. Repeal the health care reform bill
2. Repeal the 16th Amendment to the Constitution
3. Repeal the 17th Amendment to the Constitution
4. Eliminate the Department of Agriculture
5. Eliminate the Department of Education
6. Eliminate the Department of the Interior
7. Eliminate the Department of Housing of and Urban Development
8. Eliminate the Department of Transportation
9. Eliminate the Department of Energy

(To see the complete survey that Steve Stivers, a former bank lobbyist, filled out for the Glenn Beck meet up 912 group of central Ohio, visit - OH15 MTC QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS.)

***  The Ohio GOP's continuously running candidate, Josh Mandel, has a special guest at his fundraisers for the next few days.  Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, who famously said that programs like Social Security and Medicare "weakened us as people" (see Think Progress for more).

>>>  When Josh Mandel was in the Ohio House, he voted
against HB 9:  Tenants Protection During Foreclosure
If you are a renter and the building in which you reside goes into foreclosure, Josh Mandel believes that there should be no protections for those living in the building.  Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.