Governor Strickland is correct.
The Huffington Post has this:
In this first post-Citizens United election, voters are the victims of a democracy crime that the government seems unable, or unwilling, to stop despite it occurring right before our eyes.
Political operatives, like Karl Rove, are misusing the tax laws to create organizations that allow for anonymous and unlimited donations from corporations and the super-rich in order to determine the outcome of the mid-term elections in violation of election and tax laws. See American Crossroads Watch....
....The wealthy using front groups for secret donations is not new. It is a strategy perfected by a variety groups that has been is on steroids in the post-Citizens United electoral world. The Chamber of Commerce is one of the leaders in this approach where they have focused a great deal in past years on affecting the outcome of state supreme court races. We've been highlighting this at In one case, the courts, after five years of litigation, required disclosure of campaign donors for a Chamber front group. In Citizens for a Strong Ohio the Ohio Elections Commission ruled that a Chamber of Commerce front group that attacked an Ohio Supreme Court Justice was required to disclose its donors under Ohio law. Three courts upheld that decision, and all the corporate donors were named. The Chamber is a major player in this year's election activity as well....
The Ohio Chamber of Commerce, and local and national chamber groups, have always supported the pro-business, anti-consumer, anti-health care, anti-fair wages, of the Republican Party. Just look at the contribution to former bank lobbyist, Steve Stivers, that was made by an account executive of the Ohio Chamber. The Ohio Chamber of Commerce is looking out for themselves and their wealthy members and not regular, ordinary working people.
This is from OpenSecrets: