Saturday, October 04, 2008

The Politics of Distraction

Here we go again! John McCain doesn't know how to solve the country's economic problems other than his pathetic trickle down economic plan (give big tax breaks to wealthy). Rather than talk about job losses, why food prices are high, the collapse of manufacturing in the U.S., healthcare, funding for education, McCain and Palin are starting to smear Barack Obama. Any dignity and honor McCain once had has been thrown out the window. McCain will do or say anything, even if it is a lie, just to win.

Today, Sarah Palin said that Barack Obama is hanging out with terrorists (NY Times). Give me a friggin break. Sarah Pallin, who is hiding from the press, obviously has not read Obama's response to the last time the McCain/Rove campaign brought up these lies earlier. Palin and McCain have nothing to offer the American people and therefore, they have to resort to lies, lies, lies.

By the way, according to an AP story, President George W. Bush has decided to cancel some high level diplomatic meetings with Iran so that he can help out the McCain campaign. Looks like Bush and McCain are not putting the country first.

Vote Obama.