Tuesday, March 19, 2013
More on JobsOhio and Kasich's Tax Plan
* Today, the Kasich administration turned over the financial records of JobsOhio to State Auditor David Yost. The super secret, coffee bar owning, public private agency, which spent $67,000 on office supplies last year (source: IO), will finally comply with a subpoena from the State Auditor, according to Cincinnati.com.
Wouldn't you want to know how much it cost JobsOhio to install that fancy, schmancy, expensive-looking coffee bar? (See the pic at the IO link above). I doubt that the employees of JobsOhio would be forced to drink coffee from a $19.99 coffee maker!
>>>> Gov. John Kasich is hearing more opposition about his tax plan, and this time it is from the big shots at the Ohio Chamber of Commerce.
In yet another sign that Gov. John Kasich's tax plan faces trouble, one of his major allies on Tuesday testified against it.
The Ohio Chamber of Commerce, which in 2010 broke with its 117-year tradition of remaining neutral in the governor's race to back Kasich, took aim at his plan to broaden the sales-tax base....
....Legal, public relations, accounting, entertainment and architectural services are just few of those that would be taxed the under the plan....
Of course, the Chamber of Commerce is protecting businesses, and not the middle class working people of Ohio. There appears to be no one in the Republican Party or in their rich campaign contributor business groups/PACS that will go to the mat to speak for the middle class. The Kasich friends and supporters just don't care about us.