Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Democrat Tyack Shows How to Clean Out Corruption

The citizens of central Ohio are seeing the results of Lori Tyack's reform moves in the Franklin County Municipal Court. Tyack, the Democrat elected last fall as the Clerk of the Municipal Court, is clearing out the corruption and dead weight from the previous clerk. Tyack, as reported in today's Dispatch, and her deputy chief, Mike Rankin, laid down the law to Municipal Court employees: "...Show up. Work efficiently. Don’t abuse sick and vacation time...." As a result of their declaration about expectations, some employees quit or retired. Tyack is showing that Democrats can get rid of the Republican culture of corruption that is ruining government in Ohio.

People in the 15th district are still wondering why we haven't seen or heard much from Republican Rep. Deborah Pryce. Other than putting pressure on local TV stations to stop running ads she didn't like, Pryce really hasn't made too much news. Her appearances have been very few in number here in Columbus, Worthington, Dublin, and Arlington. Why isn't she making a lot of public appearances? With unemployment up in the state of Ohio, you'd think she'd want to explain why she hasn't done her job for us. By the way, have you noticed she has removed many pictures of herself with President Bush?