Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Not A Surprise
Ohioans are starting to ask questions of the Kasich administration. Here is what has been discovered:
(1) CityBeat-Cincinnati:
Six of nine JobsOhio board members have direct financial ties to companies that have received tax credits and other help from the agency and state government, an investigation from Dayton Daily News discovered. The members are connected in various ways: Some are employed by the companies, others sit on their boards and a few just own stocks. The conflicts of interest that could undermine JobsOhio’s goals. The privatized development agency was established by Gov. John Kasich and Republican legislators to replace the Ohio Department of Development. Republicans claim JobsOhio’s privatized nature allows it to move at “the speed of business” when luring companies to the state. But Democrats argue that the agency is unaccountable and draining state funds without any clear indication of where the money is going.....
.....Ohio’s job growth is so slow that it will take nearly five years to recover all the jobs lost during the Great Recession.....
So much for Kasich's "Ohio Miracle" b.s.
(2) TradingCharts has the complete article from the Dayton Daily News about how companies with close ties to Kasich and JobsOhio are getting money.
(3) Plunderbund:
The Dispatch is reporting that the Kasich Administration and JobsOhio are again providing financial incentives to companies that are doing nothing more than moving from one Ohio city to another.
This time it’s TimberTech, a PA-based company who is shutting down their Columbus plant and laying off 58 workers. At the same time, they are recieving a financial grant and a 50 percent tax cut over eight years in order to open a new plant in Wilmington Ohio as long as they promise to hire 85 new employees.
In 2011 Diebold and American Greeting both got huge financial incentive packages ($56 Million and $100 Million) in order to build new headquarters with similar promises to hire new employees. Both companies cancelled plans for new construction and ended up laying off tons of workers: 700+ for Diebold and over 2000 for American Greetings.....
What a mess! There is no way Kasich should have a second term.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Hardly Working for You!
Are you wondering why nothing is getting done in Washington, D.C.? It might have something to do with the Republican controlled House of Representatives and their work schedule---- they are going on a 5 week vacation! Must be nice. John Boehner, Eric Cantor, Steve Stivers, Pat Tiberi, and the rest of their ilk have given new meaning to the words "hardly working" with their work schedule.
The House Calendar shows that 2 work days are on the docket for August, and only 9 days of work in September. Pathetic. This explains why the Boehner House has been called the least effective in decades.
Republicans have been unable to accomplish anything. They've wasted months, weeks, days, and hours with their 38 votes to try to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Boehner, Cantor, Stivers, and the rest of the Republicans are doing nothing, but they still collect their paychecks and their own health care benefits.
**** Republican Rep. Steve Stivers is still pushing legislation to do more offshore drilling, according to BizJournals. According to OpenSecrets, Steve Stivers has received plenty of campaign support from oil and gas concerns: LINK. It makes you wonder if Stivers is working for the people in his district or his campaign contributors. Stivers said he would be bringing jobs back to his district. Has anyone seen one job he has created?
Friday, July 26, 2013
You Might Want to Know...
If you live in Ohio, you remember how Republican Gov. John Kasich called a police officer "an idiot" in front of a room full of state employees.
Now a Kasich administration appointee has run into problems by "poking a cop."
In 2011 Michael Cope was hired by Jerry Wray, Kasich’s Director at Ohio Department of Transportation. Cope resigned last week after a run-in with the police at a movie theater in Columbus....
....According to 10TV, Cope was arrested at the bar of the Movie Tavern in Columbus after refusing to leave during a fire alarm.
“Cope was ordered by a Columbus police officer to leave the building three times, and he refused. He then poked the officer in the chest,” reports 10TV. “When the officer told him he would be charged with misconduct at an emergency scene, the officer said Cope pulled his arms away from the arresting officer and refused to comply with commands.”
Don't these Kasich people respect our men and women that serve and protect? It is no wonder that in the campaign to overturn SB5/Issue 2, police joined firefighters, teachers and state workers to stop GOP and their outrageous attacks on middle class workers. Unfortunately, this is yet another example of how the Republicans have no respect for the hardworking people that keep the peace.
>>>>> It certainly took a long time for this to happen-----
The House Ethics Committee is launching a full-tilt investigation of Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota.
The committee announced on Friday it had received a referral from the Office of Congressional Ethics, an independent investigative body, and said in a brief statement that it would formally investigate the one-time Republican presidential candidate.....
>>>> Republican Rep. Steve King of Iowa is proving that hatred, racism, and prejudice are alive in the Republican Party. The Rockford Register Star has details about Steve King, his comments, quotes from others about King. It looks like the Republicans don't have the welcome mat out for diversity.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
You've Been Warned!
The Republicans plan to hold town hall meetings in their districts soon and their agenda has been discovered.
Talking Points Memo has the details about a Republican playbook/kit on how to set up town hall meetings with staged questions, plants, pro-fracking backers, and anti-Affordable Care Act business people. The GOP kit can be found here.
It would be great to go to one of these Republican town hall meetings with several copies of the GOP plan in hand. Pass out a few to people in the room and see if the Republican follows the script.
Monday, July 22, 2013
What? Republican Rep. Steve King compared immigrants to dogs?????
Rep. Steve King of Iowa is getting some publicity this week for an interview on Univision in which he refused to apologize for comparing immigrants to dogs. Our friends at the Center for New Community point out that just a few days earlier, King gave an interview to Newsmax in which he claimed that the vast majority of undocumented immigrants are “130-pound” drug runners with “calves the size of cantaloupes.”
OMG! Rep. Steve King should be ashamed. It wasn't so long ago that the Republicans said they would be doing voter outreach for Latino, women, and minority voters. The GOP voter outreach appears to be a failure given the hateful language of Steve King and other GOPers.
*** There are more layoffs planned in Butler County, Ohio. The Main Street Market locations in Hamilton and Fairfield, Ohio, will close soon. That news was disclosed at Fox 19 and DailyJobCuts, but has not appeared at the ODJFS Warn page.
>>> People have noticed that Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner doesn't want to talk about immigration reform.
Boehner should probably learn to deal with reality instead of putting his head in the sand. Does Boehner want to ignore the issue and hope it will just go away? Is Boehner just covering up the fact that the fighting inside the Republican Party would be exposed if immigration legislation makes it to the floor of the House? We should assume that the Republicans have no interest in immigration legislation and they don't want to support anything supported by President Obama and the Democrats.
Boehner and the Republicans have reached their level of total incompetence.
Steve King of Iowa is getting some publicity this week for an interview
on Univision in which he refused to apologize for comparing immigrants
to dogs. Our friends at the Center for New Community point out that just
a few days earlier, King gave an interview to Newsmax in which he
claimed that the vast majority of undocumented immigrants are
“130-pound” drug runners with “calves the size of cantaloupes.” - See
more at:
Steve King of Iowa is getting some publicity this week for an interview
on Univision in which he refused to apologize for comparing immigrants
to dogs. Our friends at the Center for New Community point out that just
a few days earlier, King gave an interview to Newsmax in which he
claimed that the vast majority of undocumented immigrants are
“130-pound” drug runners with “calves the size of cantaloupes.” - See
more at:
Steve King of Iowa is getting some publicity this week for an interview
on Univision in which he refused to apologize for comparing immigrants
to dogs. Our friends at the Center for New Community point out that just
a few days earlier, King gave an interview to Newsmax in which he
claimed that the vast majority of undocumented immigrants are
“130-pound” drug runners with “calves the size of cantaloupes.” - See
more at:
Out of Touch
If you need any evidence of the ignorance, and the dysfunction of the Republican controlled House of Representatives, you only need to listen or read the latest from the Speaker of the House John Boehner.
CBS News:
....SCHIEFFER: Any way you cut it, and whoever's fault it is, you have presided over what it perhaps the least-productive and certainly one of the least popular congresses in history. How do you feel about that?
BOEHNER: Well, Bob, we should not be judged on how many new laws we create. We ought to be judged on how many laws that we repeal. We've got more laws than the administration could ever enforce. And so we don't do commemorative bills on the floor. We don't do all that nonsense. We deal with what the American people want us to deal with. Unpopular? Yes. Why? We're in a divided government. We're fighting for what we believe in. Sometimes, you know, the American people don't like this mess....
Boehner is clearly the worst Speaker of the House ever. Boehner and his Republicans have been unable and unwilling to provide leadership or accomplish anything. Voting to repeal the Affordable Care Act almost 40 times is a waste of time, energy, and money. The slow economic growth in the country has been created by Boehner, Cantor, Paul Ryan, and the Tea Party Republicans. The are owned by the Koch Brothers, the Americans for (their own) Prosperity, and the far right whites that are stuck in the 1840's. The longer the GOP has power, the worse we'll be. This is my opinion and I'm sticking with it.
Boehner and his GOPers have provided no immigration bills, no jobs bills, no infrastructure repairs, and nothing in the way of legislation that helps regular, average Americans, the elderly, and young people. Boehner and his boys continue to restrict women's reproductive rights and look for giveaways for the rich, but they've done nothing for the majority of Americans. It is time to vote these Republicans out and vote Democrats in for the next election. We need progress, not the same old same old.
* How many millions of dollars has Republican Rep. Darrel Issa wasted on his investigations in the IRS? It is time for Issa to stop. It has already been proven that both conservative and liberal groups were targeted and that the President was not involved. Issa needs to stop now.
Friday, July 19, 2013
Troubling News in Ohio
The word is out.......Ohio's job growth is lagging behind other states.
...Ohio unemployment rate also reportedly went up to 7.2%, meaning that it has only dropped .1% over the past twelve months. Ohio’s only gained 16,000 new jobs over the past twelve months. While that’s somewhat positive, it’s anemic job growth. Ohio is the seventh most populated state in the nation. Yet, it’s grown fewer jobs over the past twelve months than Idaho or Kansas. Meanwhile, “high tax” states like California has gained over a quarter of million of new jobs over the past twelve months. Ohio’s job creation is so anemic, the U.S. Department of Labor doesn’t even including it in its press release reviewing the States with substantial changes in their unemployment rate or job creation numbers over the past twelve months....
....While nationally new weekly unemployment applications fell to its lowest level in ten weeks, Ohio was in the top five States with increases in new applications. The State with the second largest drop in applications? California.
And as this article in the Cleveland Plain Dealer points out, Ohio’s job growth over the past twelve months is less than 24% of the national rate of growth. Also, noteworthy, last month Ohio shed 7,100 local government jobs while employment in state government grew by 3,400. And, hey, food service jobs are growing!
While Gov. John Kasich's continues to keep the finances of JobsOhio private, citizens have the right to know exactly how our tax dollars are being spent, and which corporations are getting money.
>>> Plunderbund also has some troubling news: Republicans have introduced a stand your ground piece of legislation.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Springsteen Dedicates Song to Trayvon Martin
Bruce Springsteen has joined Stevie Wonder in making comments about the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. ThinkProgress has the details:
During his concert in Limerick, Ireland last night, Bruce Springsteen dedicated “American Skin (41 Shots),” a song he debuted in 2000 about the February 4, 1999 shooting of Amadou Diallo by four plainclothes New York City police officers, as “a letter back home…for justice for Trayvon Martin.” If you haven’t heard the song before, part of what’s chilling about hearing it again in this context is that the lyrics, which describe a black woman talking to her child about how not to get killed by the police, remain as applicable now as they were a decade and a half ago. When Springsteen sings “Lena gets her son ready for school / She says ‘On these streets, Charles / You’ve got to understand the rules / If an officer stops you, / promise me you’ll always be polite / And that you’ll never ever run away / Promise Mama you’ll keep your hands in sight,’” he could be quoting Levar Burton explaining the tactics he uses to try to avoid a deadly outcome during traffic stops by the police....
.....Springsteen isn’t alone in invoking Trayvon Martin’s death on stage. Stevie Wonder has pledged not to play in states with Stand Your Ground laws in response to George Zimmerman’s acquittal in Martin’s death, a substantive response to the laws that made that verdict likely, if not inevitable. Beyonce Knowles held a moment of silence for Martin during a July 14 concert. Soul singer Lester Chambers dedicated “People Get Ready” to Martin and was assaulted for it on stage. And three days ago, Young Jeezy, who’s ventured into politics in his music repeatedly, including on pro-Obama track “My President Is Black,” released “It’s A Cold World (Trayvon Martin Tribute),” which is a broader lament about the violent deaths of young black men....
You can view the videos at the ThinkProgress link.
>>> Democrat Ed Fitzgerald is talking and listening to women in Ohio. Candidate Fitzgerald is planning to challenge Ohio Republican Gov. John "ultrasound" Kasich.WYSO:
.....Fitzgerald spoke to a small group of Dayton residents to talk about cuts to Medicaid and Planned Parenthood and other restrictions on abortion that were signed by Governor Kasich into the state budget. He continued his message that there are still ways to challenge those measures. One way he says is through what’s called an initiated statute that would force Ohio lawmakers to discuss the issue. Fitzgerald says the provisions in the budget are out of step with mainstream Ohio voters.....
Kasich doesn't want to listen to women, but is willing to listen to the far right male morons of the Ohio GOP.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
'...robbing Peter to pay Paul...'
It appears that Gov. John Kasich's administration has been moving our tax dollars around from here to there to fund agencies like JobsOhio. Our tax dollars that originally were to go to public schools are now going to charter schools, many of which are unable to meet state standards. Now there is word that more money is going somewhere else.
...Monday, the turnpike commission authorized the sale of $1 billion in bonds to fund highway projects in Ohio. The bonds would be paid by 2.7 percent toll increases annually for 10 years.
Until now, tolls had paid for maintenance and operation of the 241-mile road through northern Ohio. The system may have worked too well; the toll road now is an asset to be leveraged for funds to improve highways elsewhere in the state.
Concerns about this approach are understandable; something similar happened to Ohio liquor profits, now used - indirectly, yet undeniably - to fund JobsOhio, the economic development agency privatized by Gov. John Kasich....
With all our money being moved from one place to another, citizens might come to the conclusion that there is a shell game being played with our tax money in our state. Citizens have every right to worry because John Kasich appears to have an allergic reaction to transparency and open records.
>>> A quick check to the Warn Notice page at ODJFS shows that Ohio is still losing jobs.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Is there a 21st century Kasich?
Brent Larkin's commentary on Republican views on marriage equality, and abortion raised a lot of points. Here are a few of his notes on Gov. John Kasich.
...Kasich isn't always a good fit with the 21st-century version of the Republican Party....
....He opposes abortion and gay marriage, but rarely, if ever, sermonizes on those issues.
Nevertheless, Kasich toes the party line. With a re-election campaign and a possible second run for president nearing, Kasich can't afford to get sideways with the gun lovers and social conservatives who represent a huge chunk of the Republican vote...
John Kasich's views on women show his lack of respect for women's rights, privacy, work ethic, and contributions to society.
Kasich's super secret JobsOhio operation displays his preference for the old days of backroom deals made with rich, old white men. Then and now, the people have had to handle the decisions made by the old white guys, and business titans. While our tax dollars fund the JobsOhio agency, we are kept away from how our money is spent.
In my humble opinion, Kasich and the Republican Party are still stuck in the dark ages regarding women, workers, science, education, and transparency. Kasich and the GOP haven't awakened to the 21st century.
Friday, July 12, 2013
Freedom For All? Not from the GOP!
It looks like not everyone approves of the job being done by Republican Rep. Steve Stivers (OH-15th). In an opinion column in CirclevilleToday, the writer questions whether Stivers is for everyone's rights.
....Rep. Stivers said he was worried that “government was targeting its citizens.” So am I, but that worry comes from areas Stivers failed to mention and probably never will. In Michigan, the Republican governor is taking over entire cities, removing the elected leaders and imposing his hand-picked dictators. In a number of states, including Ohio, Republican legislators, overwhelmingly male, have taken it upon themselves to dictate women’s options and choices regarding their own health. At least a dozen states controlled by Republicans have already taken steps to make voting more difficult for certain groups of people, groups (e.g. students) that are more likely to vote for Democrats. The conservative Texas State School Board and like-minded forces around the country are pushing to get their own religious-scientific-political views into texts and curricula for everyone else.
Well, this looks like “big government intrusion” to me. As Rep. Stivers wrote: “Targeting any American based on partisan means is unacceptable.” Removing elected mayors and councils and replacing them with dictators in addition to making it more difficult for millions to vote seems to conflict with Rep. Stivers’ belief that the “American people must be free to choose their own destiny.” Likewise, men deciding how women should act and then passing laws to ensure women do as men say seems to me, again quoting Rep. Stivers, “an egregious abuse of power.”
Politicians, why not ask all the tough questions and fight for everybody’s freedoms — not just the ones that fit your party’s agenda.
While Stivers, Cantor, Boehner and the rest of the GOP talk about "freedom" and cutting down regulations, they'll do anything they can to regulate a woman's uterus.
In case you are interested, the Republican controlled House of Representatives will vote for the 38th time to overturn the Affordable Care Act. The GOP has done absolutely nothing but obstruct, stop, delay, and sit on their hands. Shame. Now the Republicans have also cut the SNAP program from the agriculture bill. While the GOP shows their favoritism for farmers and agricultural mega farms, the poor are left out.
Boehner, Cantor, and the rest of the House Republicans are coming up with their own immigration reform bill. Really. You can just imagine the heartless, disgusting document they'll deliver, considering their outright racism.
Tuesday, July 09, 2013
Others Notice
* The new abortion and reproductive restrictions put into place by Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, have been temporarily blocked by a federal judge.
Scott Walker could not sneak his anti-choice law pass the people of Wisconsin and he had even less luck trying to sneak it past the notice of a judge. On Monday, U.S. District Judge William Conley listened to the protests of Planned Parenthood and issued a temporary restraining order against a law for which he said there is no justification.
His 19-page ruling says that “There is a troubling lack of justification for the hospital admitting privileges requirement.”
There is a troubling lack of justification for every anti-choice law passed by every Republican legislature since 2010 and Walker’s law is no exception....
It is just a matter of time before a similar law in Ohio is also found unconstitutional. Don't you wish Republicans and their governors would stop minding our reproductive system? Where is the freedom?
* People outside of Columbus have noticed that one family controls most of the media in central Ohio.
The conservative Columbus Dispatch has long been a force in local and state politics in Ohio. But in recent years, the newspaper's parent company has become a virtual media monopoly in Ohio's largest city and state capital, controlling not only the daily newspaper, but two radio stations, a television outlet and a long list of other weekly, monthly, and regional news sources.....
....the Dispatch's owners have used that media muscle to promote conservative causes and candidates, in particular the state's Republican governor, John Kasich. Publisher John F. Wolfe, CEO of parent company Dispatch Printing, and his wife, Ann, have spent more than $100,000 seeking to elect Republicans in state and out, with three dollars out of every ten going to Kasich's coffers....
Those of us in central Ohio cannot depend on the Dispatch/Wolfe media companies for our information. It is the responsibility of everyone to search for the truth----not just what one right wing family wants you to know.
Monday, July 08, 2013
"Paging Dr. Kasich"
The women of Ohio are responding on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and even to the office of Gov. John Kasich. Following the signing of the state budget which includes Republican designed restrictions on birth control and abortion, Ohio women are calling and writing about Gov. "Gyno" Kasich's unconstitutional laws on women's reproductive rights. Some women are calling the governor's office to report gynecological problems or to try to schedule OB/GYN appointments.
Facebook---- Paging GynGovKasich:
MikePolkJunior offers this:
Here is a sample from Twitter:
High five, buddy! Way to get all up in that lady business. MT @PPact Congrats, Gov. Kasich—#Gynotician of the Week!
Sunday, July 07, 2013
Kasich is Spending More
Where is all the money going in Ohio? Lots of people in Ohio want to know. Dr. Paul Beck of Ohio State has an explanation.
...Gov. Kasich, who characterized himself during the campaign as a cost cutter, has signed off on two increased budgets.....
Dr. Beck recalled that candidate Kasich signed the no-tax increase pledge of Grover Norquist's Americans for Tax Reform and in his campaign speeches promised to erase a state budget deficit in the range of $4 billion to $8 billion through spending reductions. Dr. Beck said the governor erased the deficit by keeping in the state treasury money that used to go to local governments....
....Dr. Beck was referring to the substantial cut, about $1 billion, in local government support that was made in the 2012-2013 budget and the decision to curtail the property tax rollback. In flusher times, the state offered to pay on property owner's behalf 12.5% of local tax levies. No longer. The state will not rebate to local communities any portion of new tax issues voters pass....
Tax cuts for the wealthy, less money for schools, higher sales taxes, more money for the super secret public/private JobsOhio, and less money to local governments all demonstrate Kasich's priorities. Kasich doesn't care about Mom, Dad, the kids, and the neighborhoods. Kasich cares only about himself and his corporate friends.
Wednesday, July 03, 2013
Ohio Republican Feud?????
The Columbus Dispatch noticed that Ohio Gov. John ("governor ultrasound") Kasich vetoed money wanted by far right, Tea Party Republican and failing candidate for the Senate, Josh Mandel.
...Among Gov. John Kasich’s 22 vetoes on Sunday was one cutting the $10 million allocated to state Treasurer Josh Mandel’s office for computer upgrades to combat what Mandel says are constant cyberattacks on his office....
“Mandel has to be furious,” said one well-connected Capitol Square Republican who asked not to be named. “Clearly, John Kasich is playing for keeps.”
Mandel raised the dander of Kasich and his aides by publicly opposing two of the governor’s priorities: expanding Medicaid coverage to 275,000 more poor Ohioans, and imposing a so-called “ fracking” tax on shale-oil and -gas drillers....
The possibility of a feud between Kasich and Mandel is downright exciting! Both of them have large egos and national aspirations. Kasich and Mandel hold similar views on women's reproductive freedom--- they are against it. It is ironic that these anti-big government GOPers that support privacy support the invasion of a woman's privacy in the gynecologist's office.
Plunderbund has details on how Gov. Kasich's budget hurts prenatal care for women, emergency medical care, and rape victims. Kasich and the Ohio Republicans support this draconian budget and they've demonstrated their dismissive attitude for women and women's issues.
(Pic from #standwithohiowomen)
...Among Gov. John Kasich’s 22 vetoes on Sunday was one cutting the $10 million allocated to state Treasurer Josh Mandel’s office for computer upgrades to combat what Mandel says are constant cyberattacks on his office....
“Mandel has to be furious,” said one well-connected Capitol Square Republican who asked not to be named. “Clearly, John Kasich is playing for keeps.”
Mandel raised the dander of Kasich and his aides by publicly opposing two of the governor’s priorities: expanding Medicaid coverage to 275,000 more poor Ohioans, and imposing a so-called “ fracking” tax on shale-oil and -gas drillers....
The possibility of a feud between Kasich and Mandel is downright exciting! Both of them have large egos and national aspirations. Kasich and Mandel hold similar views on women's reproductive freedom--- they are against it. It is ironic that these anti-big government GOPers that support privacy support the invasion of a woman's privacy in the gynecologist's office.
Plunderbund has details on how Gov. Kasich's budget hurts prenatal care for women, emergency medical care, and rape victims. Kasich and the Ohio Republicans support this draconian budget and they've demonstrated their dismissive attitude for women and women's issues.
(Pic from #standwithohiowomen)

Tuesday, July 02, 2013
Warning for Springboro, Ohio
Springboro, Ohio, has become the target of the far right Tea Party and their radical beliefs, including a proposal to teach creationism in science classes. Under the leadership of Kelly Kohls, the Springboro School Board has been causing problems for parents and students.
Here is a short list of some of the controversies facing Springboro because of the far right turn of the school board:
1. (May 24, 2013): Students, parents, and the ACLU speak up against teaching creationism in Springboro's schools.
2. SpringboroSun (June 28, 2013):
The Ohio State Employee Relations Board (SERB) has found probable cause for an investigation and hearing into unfair labor practice allegations against the Springboro Board of Education.
SERB investigators agreed with the Springboro Education Association that the school board should be investigated for posting the parties' initial bargaining proposals on the school district's website.....
3. A radical group will be teaching a "course" in Springboro, Ohio. Here is part of what DailyKos has:
The school district in Springboro, Ohio--halfway between Cincy and Dayton--is planning to offer a summer course on the Constitution taught by David Barton. Warren Throckmorton, one of the professors whose concerns about Barton's scholarship led Thomas Nelson to yank The Jefferson Lies last year, stumbled on this course yesterday....
...One name that should jump out at you besides Barton is John Eidsmoe. For those who don't remember, Eidsmoe is a leading Christian reconstructionist and one of Michele Bachmann's mentors when the Mad Minnesotan attended ORU.
The course is sponsored by the Institute on the Constitution, an outfit run by Michael Peroutka, the 2004 Constitution Party candidate. Peroutka has documented ties to white supremacist groups. According to the Human Rights Campaign, Peroutka is a prominent member of the League of the South, a neo-Confederate group that advocates having the South secede from the United States and calls white supremacy "healthy and Biblical." Eidsmoe himself has frequently spoken to white supremacist groups....
As DailyKos and others have noted, it is time to stop this takeover and contact the ACLU, the Springboro School Board, and the media.
Health Risks for Ohio Women
Now that Gov. John Kasich and the pompous, women-hating men of the Ohio Republican Party have put their risky women's health restrictions into law, they should be ready for the results: Women will become sick, and some will die because they will be unable to get the cancer screenings, breast exams, or gynecological treatment that they need. You can thank Kasich and his Republicans for this catastrophe.
Don't sit by and let these GOP men gloat over their new laws. Speak up, email, and make some phone calls.
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