Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Where are the jobs, Republicans????

--The nation has lost an important voice for gun control, public transportation, and the dangers of second hand smoke. We mourn the passing of Sen. Frank Lautenberg, Democrat of New Jersey. See NYTimes for more on Sen. Lautenberg.

> Gordon Gee has resigned as the President of the Ohio State University. Following Dr. Gee's recent comments, his outlandish expenses, and pay, it was just a matter of time.  Dr. Gee was very popular during his first time at Ohio State, but his second term had a few instances of controversy. Under his management, tuition increased, parking was sold off to a private entity, and the voices of the faculty that rose in opposition to his decisions were disregarded.  It was time for him to retire.

****  Ohio Republican, Gov. John Kasich, has successfully moved the JobsOhio program out of the eyes of the public and even those of State Auditor, David Yost. Plunderbund has the dirty details. ModernEsquire at Plunderbund has re-named JobsOhio "RobsOhio" in a recent column. I fully agree. Ohioans are getting robbed and yet the Republicans and the governor just don't want you to know which of their friends are making profits.

•••••  The Republicans and Rep. Issa just can't stop having hearings. I'm still waiting for the Republicans to come up with a jobs bill.