Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Values & Priorities

Are your priorities, and values different from those of Gov. Kasich and the Ohio Republicans?  I bet they are.

* In a post at the Beacon Journal, the writer shows evidence on how the Ohio Republicans just don't care about the state's poor. Isn't it time for Ohioans to vote out the right wing, tea party-influenced, anti-middle class, anti-worker, anti-women's rights, anti-public school, pro-corporate, pro-privatization, radical Republicans? Yes it is time, and we can start by looking to Democrat Ed Fitzgerald to provide a path away from the self-absorbed radicalism of the GOP.

> At Ed Fitzgerald's campaign website, there is this explanation on Ed's views on protecting Ohio's workers:

...From our factory floors to our school rooms, Ed stands firm with Ohio’s workers...

Ed’s plan: Stand with workers. Plain and simple. 

Ed wants Ohio’s state government on the side of the people. As Governor, he’d put workers over corporations, middle class families over millionaires. Ohio belongs to all of us, not just big corporations and millionaires — and we all have a role to play in shaping its future.

Today, Ed Fitzgerald announces his campaign to run for Ohio Governor. As the website reminds us, Kasich gave us SB 5. I believe that Kasich showed his disdain for workers, and the middle class with SB 5.

**** Are there problems within the Ohio GOP?  10TV reports that Matt Borges, Kasich's pick for Chair of the Ohio Republican Party, is receiving criticism and losing support from GOP leaders across the state.  Why do you think they are reluctant to support Borges?  Is it the back taxes that he owed? Was it Matt Borges and his association with Joe Deters? Was it because Borges "..pleaded guilty to one count of improper use of public office..."  in 2004? 

No matter how you look at it, the Ohio Republicans are wrong on just about everything.