> How close should a company that has received government contracts be with a member of Congress? Should they they throw parties for him or her? I'm just asking because I think that sometimes these relationships do cross the line. For example, Peerless Technologies Corp. threw a special get together with the retiring Rep. Hobson and then State Senator, Steve Austria.
(Picture and info from the Peerless website)
Peerless Hosts State Senator and US Congressman |
Peerless hosted a special event on December 10, 2007 to honor Ohio Senator Steve Austria and retiring US Congressman Dave Hobson. Left to Right: Peerless CFO Andrea Kunk, US Congressman Dave Hobson, Ohio Senator Steve Austria, Peerless President Michael Bridges |
Peerless later contributed money to Steve Austria's campaign for Congress for 2008, according to Open Secrets. Open Secrets reports that Peerless has already been contributing to Austria for 2010. Of course, you may recall from a previous post that Michael Bridges is serving on Steve Austria's special "blue ribbon commission" to examine contracts at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. Isn't that cozy?