Sunday, March 02, 2008

Vets for the Bush Agenda

A right wing Republican veterans' group that backs Bush's unending war and McCain's 1,000 years of war in Iraq has endorsed Steve Stivers.

Yawn. Tell me something new.

In their effort to cover up the truth, the largest newspaper in Columbus, got all the information wrong on the Vets for Freedom. I'd suggest that the author of the article, James Nash, do some research on the Vets for Freedom. Even I know that it was hatched out of the Bush White House to promote the president's agenda.

With all the trouble lobbyists have created in Washington, D.C., the last thing we need is a career lobbyist like Steve Stivers.

To change Washington we've got to get someone to represent us. That someone is Mary Jo Kilroy.

***Here is a little tidbit about Republican Steve Stivers from the Washington Post: Stivers says, according to the article, that people are not talking about the war.

...Steve Stivers sees it every day as he campaigns for a congressional seat in Ohio.

"Usually, I bring it up unsolicited because nobody's talking about it now," said Stivers, a Republican state senator and an officer in the Ohio National Guard. Making the rounds ahead of Tuesday's primary for an open House seat, he hears more about jobs, gas prices and health insurance.

"It's weird," Stivers said. "The economy is just overshadowing everything. When people are worried about jobs and their pocketbook, they don't want to think about things across the world."

I have an explanation for that----- Stivers is not talking with people who have sons and daughters in the military. Obviously, the people at his fund raisers don't have children who are serving overseas. Therefore, to Stivers' supporters it is someone else's kid and someone else's war.

In conversations that I have with people, we discuss why our country is unable to put more money into education, health care, rebuilding our infrastructure, helping New Orleans, assisting the poor and our seniors, etc., etc. If Stivers and his banking buddies are not talking about the need to end the war, they are clearly out of touch with the real problems facing our country. The war is the cause of the economic downturn. The Iraq war is draining important money that would provide for a better tomorrow for all our citizens. As long as Stivers and the Republicans vote to continue the war in Iraq, the economy will remain poor.