Wednesday, November 03, 2010

We Need to Make a Few Things Clear

John Kasich won the election because he got more votes than the other candidates for Ohio governor.  Here are the results as posted at the Ohio Secretary of State's Election website:

Candidate.......Number of Votes

Kasich, John (R).... 1,849,842

Strickland, Ted (D) 1,752,790

Matesz, Ken (L) .........89,499

Spisak, Dennis (G).... 56,797

Sargent, David (WI)...... 864

As you can see, more people voted AGAINST Kasich than for him.
Kasich received 1,849,842 and 1,899,950 voted against him. Before Kasich starts tearing apart the state government, he might want to look at those numbers again.  The truth is, Kasich won't take the time to look at those statistics, but you should keep them handy in case he claims a mandate.

I did see Kasich's victory speech last night.  The thing that struck me the most was that there were only white people on the stage.  At one point, there were only white men standing with him.

Keep an eye on Mike DeWine.  He intends to join that Republican fight against the health reform law.  Even though our state does not have money to spare, Mike DeWine will gladly waste millions of dollars fighting against something that benefits the common good. (Mike DeWine also had more people who voted against him than for him.)

O'Connor and Lanzinger won for the State Supreme Court. I guess they can thank all those doctors from the Ohio State Medical Association PAC that put all those leaflets in their waiting rooms.