Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Let the Republican Civil War Begin!

The rumors are flying that Republicans are having a hard time meeting the needs and explanations of their newly elected tea party members of Congress. Some say that one of the many reasons that the GOP leadership postponed their meeting with President Obama had to do with their own lack of an agenda. Mitch McConnell has already had some words with his new members. Boehner has had similar problems. This just proves that Republicans still don't know how to create a working,comprehensive plan that moves America forward.

(Let me make it clear--- watching Republicans fighting is very entertaining.)

Rachel Maddow is the smartest person on TV. As she said last night, so far Republicans have done nothing except make annoucements and we cannot take their press release material as real accomplishments.

Worried that your parents or grandparents might be kicked out of the nursing home by the Kasich cuts? Keep your eyes focused on any news pertaining to Medicaid and nursing home reforms in th coming weeks. More later....