Friday, November 05, 2010

The Picture

It doesn't take a lot to size up the faces of the incoming Republicans in Ohio.  The Other Paper said it best with their story and headline:

I See White People

....When voters cast their ballots Tuesday, and the anticipated landslide scenario unfolded, turns out it was a particularly good day to be a conservative white guy in Ohio politics.

As has been reported, the state of Ohio is only getting more diverse. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the majority will become the minority in fewer than 40 years. Despite this, a notably less diverse group of leaders swept the statewide ticket. They took Central Ohio’s senate and congressional races, as well as leadership positions in both of the state’s legislative bodies.....

Kasich has promised cuts to fund his tax cuts.  Where will those cuts occur?  In the article, Sam Gresham, known for his work at the Columbus Urban League and now with Common Cause, has a guess as to where Kasich will make cuts:..... “there are really only a few areas they can cut, whether it is education funding, or welfare programs for the poor,” he said.....

 Minorities, the poor, women, and students will lose in this new Kasich administration.

Kasich has been talking about lobbyists.  We know that Kasich has lobbyists currently as part of his team. Will he welcome lobbyists to shape Ohio policy? Since Kasich appears to dislike windmills on the lake, will he abandon wind energy?

In the SpringfieldSunNews, Kasich said---
“If you think you’re going to stop us, you’re crazy. You will not stop
us. We will beat you,” Kasich said. “We will listen to you. If you think 
we’re doing something that really doesn’t make sense, tell us. 

“If you think that I’m going in the wrong direction, stop me. I don’t want
to drive over a cliff. I just want to be a good governor.” 

Wait.  There is more bus talk.

“If you’re not on the bus, we’ll run over you with the bus,” he said. 
“And I’m not kidding.” 

There you have it.  Kasich is already being Kasich.  I give him a few months before people get really get sick of him.