Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Filibuster This, Filibuster That

>>> Those Republicans in the U.S. Senate are so proud of their ability to stop discussion of the financial reform legislation with a filibuster. You can just imagine that they'll be generously rewarded with campaign contributions from their Wall Street and banking buddies.

These Republicans are using the filibuster as a way to stop any discussion/debate of legislation. Without any ideas or legislation of their own, the Republicans are attempting to shut down government until they can take over the Senate. Are the Republicans in running for the title as the
"Do Nothing Party"?

Using the filibuster is not working toward progress. The filibuster is being used by the Republicans as a tool. The Republicans are like cranky, spoiled children throwing tantrums because they can't get their way. Since the Republicans are unwilling to solve problems, debate/discuss legislation, perhaps they should give up their salaries and perks because they don't want to work.

> Those crazy proposals being put out there by Republican candidates are being noticed. Are these same Republicans trying to woo their base for a possible run for President? Which Ohio Republican's name is mentioned in the collection of possible presidential candidates?


...John Kasich (Ohio) wants to get rid of Ohio’s income tax – though he has no clue how to make up the enormous revenue (40 percent of the state budget) this tax generates....

....Perhaps because so many have their eyes on the 2012 prize, Republican governors and candidates are increasingly talking past independents. Instead, they are targeting their far-right base, using language that would make Ronald Reagan blush.

Long gone are the days of “morning in America.” The message of today’s Republicans is one of anger, cynicism and doubt about our nation’s abilities.

John Kasich was disappointed when he pulled out of the 2000 presidential sweepstakes. That did not end his ambition to be President. While he puts his desire to be President on the back burner for now, Kasich appears to want to use the governorship of Ohio as his stepping stone to higher office. However, in the process of getting into the White House, Kasich hopes that as governor he can completely destroy the economic base, libraries, schools, and the state infrastructure in Ohio so that he can brag about his budget-cutting prowess.

Ohioans have to stop the Kasich budget-cutting plan by NOT electing him. Kasich is more interested in what Ohio can do for him instead of what he can do for Ohio.