Tuesday, May 27, 2008

15th District Still Rated Toss-Up, But......

CQ Politics has an interesting article about Ohio's 15th congressional district. According to the writer, neither Democrat Mary Jo Kilroy nor Republican Steve Stivers have a clear advantage. I disagree and here are my reasons why:
(1) People in Ohio's 15th district have moved a little more to the left. Just drive around the district, and you'll see that Democratic candidate signs far outnumber those for Republicans.
(2) The UAPA (Upper Arlington Progressive Action) members are active and increasing in numbers.
(3) More human beings have donated to Kilroy than Stivers.
(4) Stivers is still a registered lobbyist. Here is an excerpt out of the piece at CQ Politics:

....Stivers, who is a registered lobbyist, initially denied that he served in a lobbying capacity for Bank One, a major Columbus-based company, but has since changed his tone. “I did work for Bank One and I advocated for jobs and economic development,” Stivers said. “So if that makes me a lobbyist, then I’m a lobbyist. And if that makes me a janitor, then I’m a janitor.”

Note: What is the meaning of "is" in this paragraph? Stivers IS a registered lobbyist. It doesn't say he was. Stivers said he "...advocated jobs and economic development..." but in reality he pushed for legislation that would protect banks and lenders from regulation. As a paid lobbyist for Bank One he worked for the bank and their stockholders NOT the general public.

(5) Pryce was very popular in the district. There were many Democrats and Independents who voted for her but those same people will not vote for Stivers ".....who is a registered lobbyist..."
(6) Stivers was originally against limiting interest rates for payday lenders. However, he flipped and voted for the bill that limits payday lenders to a ceiling interest rate of 28%.