Sunday, August 24, 2014

What job growth?

Plunderbund has revealed the sad, ugly statistics about jobs in Ohio:

...According to new economic analysis performed by George Zeller, one of Ohio’s top data crunchers, Kasich and Taylor have more than a quarter million jobs to recoup to bring the level of working Ohioans back to pre Great Recession levels. It’s also unfortunate, now that we have Zeller’s detailed review of jobs data, that Ohio just isn’t getting the jobs done at a pace to bring Ohio’s workforce back to where it was at the start of the national recession that President George W. Bush also failed to cure during his eight years in the White House....

....In Ohio, Zeller tells us Ohio lost 12,400 jobs in July 2014, the largest job loss in July of any USA state. Further, July 2014 was the 21st consecutive month when Ohio’s job growth was below the USA national average, showing us that the dismal July 2014 job loss figure was not just a one month spike....

...Ohio gained 51,826 jobs during 3Q 2013, but as Zeller points out, that 1.1 percent growth was below the USA growth rate in employment during 3Q 2013 which was 1.7%. Furthermore, “that growth leaves Ohio 257,961 jobs short of the number of jobs that Ohio had before the 2007 “Great Recession. So, Ohio is growing, but that growth remains too slow, and we have over 250,000 Ohio workers who still cannot find a job because our growth is still too slow.”......

If you still can't find a job in Ohio, it is not your fault. John Kasich and Mary Taylor haven't restored Ohio's economy as they had promised.