Thursday, February 23, 2012

Same Old Story

*** More layoffs are coming in Ohio.


02/21/2012  Kodak  Dayton (Montgomery)  68 04/19/2012 (937) 259-3753 N/A 007-11-037
02/21/2012  YRC Freight  Columbus (Franklin)  121  Between 4/8/2012 & 4/22/2012 (913) 344-3952 IBT 011-11-036

Is Gov. Kasich only focusing on certain types of businesses to keep jobs in Ohio?

**** People are noticing that those that are well connected to Gov. John Kasich are getting high-paying jobs in the state government.

Giving Ohio Turnpike jobs with big salaries to political friends may not be the best way for the Kasich administration to sell the idea of leasing the toll road. On top of that, it just smells to give insiders plum jobs, no matter what the reasons. 

Last week, The Plain Dealer's Tom Breckenridge reported that $5,000-a-year turnpike Commissioner Adam Greenslade, a Sandusky County Republican, had quit his commissionership to land a $93,000-a-year turnpike staff job as a government affairs director. 

And, a former campaign donor to Gov. John Kasich, Dale Perram, a Wadsworth Republican, secured a $103,000-a-year job as turnpike operations chief.....

I guess this is how the fat cats reward their buddies.  It may also give a hint of what direction the "study" on the privatization of the Ohio Turnpike will go. Kasich is stacking the deck.

*** An article in ThisWeek newspaper introduces some of the candidates running in the primary.  Current Republican Rep. Pat Tiberi expressed his views which sound like a memorized mantra.


The issues pointed to by Tiberi include “strengthening the economic and job creation.”

“Congress needs to cultivate a stable business environment, where entrepreneurs are free from the uncertainty of today’s abysmal tax and ever-increasing regulatory climate, thereby creating and expanding businesses, hiring more workers and setting a new course for a prosperous nation that puts us on track for long-term economic growth and permanent job creation,” Tiberi said.....

“I believe we need to cut the bureaucratic red tape that over-burdens U.S. businesses, stifling their ability to grow, expand and hire.”

Excuse me!  Tiberi has been in Congress since 2000, I don't recall any job creation for which he was responsible.  Giving more tax breaks to businesses and millionaires has not created jobs.  Cutting safety regulations only endangers the public.  Is this the best Tiberi can do with these same old talking points?