Friday, March 25, 2011

Starving the Public Schools?

* In case you missed it----- Gov. John Kasich wants to consolidate school districts and have class ratios of 50-to-1 (50 students to 1 teacher).  Plunderbund has all the details.

** The Huffington Post caught Jon Stewart exposing Kasich and the rest of the Republican governors:

(Kasich @ 4:53)

Even though Republican Gov. John Kasich said that most schools in Ohio will get more money, people in public education know the truth.  The Kasich budget plan is playing with numbers and it has been noticed.

WHIO Dayton:

....Supt. Dr.David Estrop said the budget proposal as it stands now will cost Springfield City Schools $11 million. The state's numbers indicate Springfield will gain $3 million.

It's that difference that has Estrop calling the state's budget presentation misleading, incomplete and inaccurate.

"The reason, I don't know. The only thing I can speculate is it's all about a short-term political gain," said Dr. Estrop.....

Is this the usual Kasich plan filled with smoke, mirrors, and fuzzy numbers?

The good people at Americans United explain their point that these Republican governors are "starving the schools":

...Ohio: Gov. John Kasich has told public education officials to expect cuts totaling $1.3 billion. Some high school classes might increase to 36 students, and some programs will be cut. Nevertheless, Kasich has called for expanding Ohio’s private school voucher program, which currently has 14,000 students taking part, to 60,000....

...It’s time to speak out. Want some resources? Remember, AU’s website has a special section on vouches and is a great place to start.

P.S. Don’t forget that Speaker of the House of Representatives John Boehner (R-Ohio) is pushing to revive a voucher “experiment” in Washington, D.C. – even though the “experiment” has already been shown to be a failure. This drive has never been about helping children. It’s about a relentless political ideology that hates public education.

Speak out against these plans that seek to rob the public schools and punish their teachers.

If you need additional evidence about voucher programs, check out the U.S. Department of Education's report on school vouchers: Summary of 2010 Department of Education Study from Americans United.