Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Show Us The Numbers

Gov. Kasich and his Republican members of the General Assembly have suggested that public employees are too much of a drain on the state.  However, they have not yet provided us with any numbers that support their side.  They've not proved that taking away collective bargaining and ending binding arbitration will save the state money.  Let me show you some numbers that dispute the Republican mantra that continues to blame public employees.

According to a study conducted by Gallup in August 2010, the state of Ohio has the lowest percentage of government workers, even though Ohio ranks seventh in state population. The "government workers" that Gallup refers to are "federal, state, or local government" employees. That would mean that the percentage of state and local employees in Ohio is much lower than 12%.

States With Lowest Perecentages of Government Workers, January-June 2010 
According to Kasich and the Ohio Republicans, the public employees who make up less than 12% of Ohio's population, are to blame for everything. The amazing thing is that these pro-business, pro-personal wealth, Republicans and their lobbyist friends still refuse to blame the bankers and speculators on Wall Street for the financial disaster that our country and state faced.

Teachers are worried about rumors that a new pay scale has been created by the governor.  Is there any truth to that?  I don't know, but it shows that teachers and other public employees don't seem to have any trust in Kasich and his party.  

What is their Republican agenda?  Is it really their agenda or plans promoted by contributors, business leaders, lobbyists, or powerful industrial moguls? What does Kasich want to do --- get people back to work or destroy the lives of public employees, their families, and communities?  What do you think?


After hearing about that call between Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and Fake Koch brother, we know that Kasich and Walker are having conversations about their plans to destroy unions. 


In this week’s Porkopolis column, Kevin Osborne writes about the coordinated effort by newly elected Tea Party-backed Republican governors like Wisconsin’s Scott Walker and Ohio’s John Kasich to use the looming budget crises as a reason take away labor unions’ ability to collective bargain, with the ultimate goal of busting unions altogether...

....A muckraking Web site called the Buffalo Beast all but confirmed Walker’s blind allegiance to the Kochs, as the site’s editor Ian Murphy posed as David Koch and was able to trick the embattled Wisconsin governor in an extended phone conversation that touched on a variety of Tea Party-friendly topics. The apparently clueless Walker admitted in the call that he talks about the coordinated union-busting effort with other governors, including Kasich. “I talk to John (Kasich) every day,” Walker said.....

Kasich and Walker are not very nice people.