Saturday, June 30, 2007

Most Republicans Lawmakers Still Like Iraq War

Even though Republican Sen. Lugar expressed his dissatisfaction with Bush's Iraq policies, the rest of the GOP lawmakers continue to cheer on and support a continuation of the war in Iraq.

SF Chronicle at SFGate:

Speaker Nancy Pelosi threw down a new gauntlet Friday before President Bush and Republicans in Congress, saying the House will vote in July on legislation to withdraw almost all American troops from Iraq by April.....
Some Republican leaders, even after the statements by Lugar and Voinovich, are appealing to Congress to give the surge strategy more time.

"I've believed all spring and I continue to believe that we ought to allow General Petraeus the opportunity to succeed,'' House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, said this week. "Now, he has a plan in place. He's had his full reinforcement of troops only about two or three weeks.''

Boehner added, "At the end of the day, making sure that we have a secure Iraq is in the best interest of all Americans, and for that matter, the rest of the world, because losing in Iraq will allow al Qaeda and their like-minded souls around the country to expand, to increase their ranks.''

His deputy, House Minority Whip Roy Blunt, R-Mo., said he doesn't see a major fissure in House GOP ranks, at least not yet.....

Why do these Republican lawmakers continue to make excuses? How much longer will they wait before they demand a withdrawal of troops? How many more of our young men and women will die for Bush's Iraq fiasco?

Where, oh, where is Republican Rep. Deborah Pryce (OH-15) in all this? She is silent. When she does respond to a question about Iraq, she always uses the phrase "when we were attacked on 9/11...." I hope that Pryce knows that the attacks on 9/11 and Bush's war in Iraq had nothing to do with each other. She knows that, doesn't she? Doesn't she?