Sunday, June 18, 2006

Pryce: Stay in Iraq for the Women???

Republican Rep. Deborah Pryce gave a speech on the floor of the House to support "staying the course" in Iraq. In her speech, Pryce said that our troops should stay in Iraq to help the women of Iraq.

What? Many American mothers, wives, daughters, sisters, grandmothers, and aunts have lost family members in Iraq. What about the American women? Is Pryce so cold-hearted that she would worry about the lives of others before she would worry about the families in her district and her country? Isn't she concerned about the American mothers who cry every single night? Isn't she worried about the American wives who will never have their husbands with them? Doesn't she think about those American boys and girls who've lost their fathers?

This country is on the wrong track. Pryce's thinking is wrong. Why do we women need to make any additional sacrifices for this war? Haven't we lost enough?