Monday, June 12, 2006

Pryce Hearing More Local Opposition

Today's Columbus Dispatch claims that there are outsiders coming to Ohio to oppose Republican Rep. Deborah Pryce and Republican Rep. Bob Ney. I disagree. I know for a fact that there are lots and lots of people in central Ohio who volunteer for Move On and other groups and 99% of the members are locals. In the 2004 election, thousands of people in Ohio organized and joined groups in opposition to the ruling party (the GOP). Those local volunteers are out there again trying to change the status quo.

What kind of people volunteer for Move On and other political action groups? They are mothers, fathers, grandparents, business people, college students, retirees, high school graduates, college graduates, and your neighbor. People want to do something and that is why they are willing to get out there, talk to people, and work for change.

Pryce and the Republicans are trying to characterize their opposition as outsiders. However, the Republican opposition is made up of regular, ordinary Ohioans who are sick and tired of the corruption, lies, deficits, and the unending war. We've had enough and we are going to say it loud and clear---Vote Pryce and the Republicans out of office!

*>>>>Just a little reminder: The President, Rep. Deborah Pryce, and the Republican Party plan to work on reforming Social Security again starting in 2007. If we elect a Democratic majority, the Republican agenda will be altered because they will lose their power. Remember, Pryce wrote the text on how Republicans should sell the privatization of Social Security.

By the way, are you interested in where Pryce is getting all her political contributions? Well, since individuals in her district are not big supporters, PACs are her biggest contributors. According to Political Money Line, Pryce has gotten $418,498 from Finance and Insurance PACs, $157,020 from Health Care PACs, and other PACs which you can read about here. It is obvious that Pryce is getting her money from special business PACs. This shows that she really doesn't care about the regular citizen. Her priorities are set by big business PACs and big money groups. More campaign information on contributions is located here.

In case you missed it----Raw Story is reporting that Bob Herbert of the New York Times has written that ......
In the 2004 presidential election, Senator John Kerry (D-MA) "almost certainly would have won Ohio if all of his votes had been counted, and if all of the eligible voters who tried to vote for him had been allowed to cast their ballots," writes columnist Bob Herbert for Monday's edition of The New York Times.....

Pryce and the Republicans want to know why Ohio voters are so upset! The Republicans stole the election. Why won't we just go crawl into a hole and never talk about it again? 1. It is a crime. 2. Look the damage the Republicans have done to our state and our country. 3. We will NEVER forget.