Tuesday, June 06, 2006

News from the 15th

*Have you seen the picture of Democratic candidate, Mary Jo Kilroy, with Senator Barack Obama? LINK

*The former chief financial officer of the Ohio Bureau of Workers Compensation, Terrence Gasper, is expected to plead guilty tomorrow. Another day in Ohio brings another Republican corruption story. LINK

*Republican Deborah Pryce is rolling in the dough, according to Political Money Line. However, most of her campaign money is coming from big businesses, PACs, and special interest groups/lobbyists. (Most of thems probably don't live in her district.) Pryce is hardly seen in her district. She must be spending lots of time with all of those big lobbyists, sipping their champagne, and golfing at fine country clubs. Meanwhile, back here in Ohio's 15 congressional district, we are waiting for some jobs and relief from high gas prices.