Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Pryce, Boehner, Ney, Oxley: Staffs Got Trips

Let us say that you work for a Republican member of Congress. You've just returned from a fancy trip to Las Vegas courtesy of "special interests, think tanks and industry associations with business before Congress." The next time you get a mailing or phone call from one of those groups, you are going to make sure that your boss sees the information or talks to the lobbyist.

The Plain Dealer's article mentions the names of 4 Republicans from Ohio. Here is an excerpt from the article:

...Special interests, think tanks and industry associations with business before Congress have spent millions ferrying Capitol Hill staffers and hosting them at beach resorts, Las Vegas, foreign capitals and exotic islands over the last five years, data analyzed by The Plain Dealer shows.

Congressional staff from Ohio fared especially well, according to the data, provided by the Center for Public Integrity....

...Aides to Rep. Michael Oxley of Findlay, chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, were treated to $380,462 worth of free trips between 2000 and 2005....

...With $205,397 worth of privately paid travel, Boehner aides visited Morocco, Germany, the Czech Republic and seaside cities from Palm Beach, Fla., to San Diego, Calif. Trip sponsors included the Food Marketing Institute, the German Marshall Fund, Fidelity Investments and Airbus....

... Next highest among Ohioans was the staff of Rep. Bob Ney, with $190,679 in privately paid trips, and Rep. Deborah Pryce, whose staff got free trips costing $150,276 altogether....

Wow! Perhaps some of the unemployed people in the 15th district of Ohio should try to get a job in Pryce's office. The benefits provided by lobbyists are great!

Is this how the administration is supporting and protecting the troops?

Raw Story reports:
Personal data on about 2.2 million active-duty military, Guard and Reserve personnel - not just 50,000 as initially believed - were among those stolen from a Veterans Affairs employee last month, the government said Tuesday.

VA Secretary Jim Nicholson said the agency was mistaken when it said over the weekend that up to 50,000 Navy and National Guard personnel - and no other active-duty personnel - were affected by the May 3 burglary.

In fact, names, birth dates and Social Security numbers of as many as 1.1 million active-duty personnel from all the armed forces - or 80 percent of all active-duty members - are believed to have been included, along with 430,000 members of the National Guard, and 645,000 members of the Reserves....

Not only do our troops have problems with health benefits, having to pay for their own food in military hospitals, the military payroll, the lack of body armor, and armored vehicles, they now have to deal with having their personal identities stolen. When will the VA Secretary resign? Where does Rumsfeld stand on all this? Shouldn't he be fired too?

And still more......

If the Republicans win the House of Representative and Senate next year, they intend to try to again take apart social security. The party in power gets to set the agenda, just like they keep holding votes to ban gay marriage, the Republicans are wasting time! According to The Hill, the Republicans have big plans for Social Security in the next session. The only way to stop the Republicans is to vote them out of office.