Thursday, April 27, 2006

Pryce Takes Money From Oil/Energy Companies

...and she has voted against bills that would have penalized oil companies for price gouging. So why does Pryce blame Democrats? Is she confused? Has she become so addicted to the money from oil/gas/pharmaceutical lobbyists that she can no longer remember the truth? Pryce said this, according to the Quad-City Times:

“Democrats are happy to criticize Republican policies, but when the time comes for them to propose a solution, they are suddenly quiet,” Rep. Deborah Pryce, R-Ohio, said in a statement. “ ‘No’ is not an energy policy.”

The Republicans have had control of the House and the Senate for several years. Republicans are responsible for the mess we are in, not Democrats.

When Democrats have proposals/bills, they are voted down in committee. The Republican Party has brought Ohio and this country nothing but failure in an unnecessary war, an unfunded No Child Left Behind Act, no response to a natural emergency on the gulf coast, destruction of FEMA because of poor management, corruption, payoffs, tax breaks for big business and the wealthy, an energy policy written by oil and gas companies, a financial success for drug companies disguised as a confusing drug plan for seniors, politics over common sense in the intelligence agencies, a Sec. of Defense who sent our men and women into war without enough support and protection, and a lack of leadership.

According to Open Secrets......
the money came from the organization's PAC, its individual members or employees or owners, and those individuals' immediate families. Organization totals include subsidiaries and affiliates.
The information below IS ONLY FOR 2005-2006.

Pryce's Largest contributors: Here
Pryce's Top Industries: Here

Update: I found this story at the Huffington Post. The Huffington Posts an article from the Washington Post from August 9, 2005. Here are some excerpts:
"I'm confident that one day Americans will look back on this bill as a vital step toward a more secure and more prosperous nation that is less dependent on foreign sources of energy," Bush said.

But independent energy analysts cautioned that with crude oil prices hitting new highs, consumers should not expect the new law to push down gas prices or reduce U.S. reliance on Middle East oil soon, if ever. Bush acknowledged that it will "take years of focused effort to alleviate those problems."

The new 1,724-page energy law, four years in the making, will provide $14.5 billion in tax breaks. The recipients will include producers of oil, natural gas, coal and nuclear power, as well as smaller incentives for consumers who use cleaner-burning fuels produced in this country. Analysts say it is unlikely most Americans will see a noticeable improvement in their energy costs in the short term. But supporters said the new law is designed to provide a long-term lift to the fuels of the future, including cleaner-burning coal and a new generation of gasoline-electric hybrid vehicles....

..."It's Christmas in August for big energy, and consumers get lumps of coal," said Anna Aurilio, legislative director for U.S. PIRG, an advocacy group that works on environmental and consumer issues.

The bill exempts oil and gas industries from some clean-water laws, streamlines permits for oil wells and power lines on public lands, and helps the hydropower industry appeal environmental restrictions.....

It appears that the big energy companies are having Christmas 12 months per year.