Monday, August 26, 2013

Mike DeWine didn't tell you....

Lots of things seem to be happening in Ohio because of a lack of transparency.  Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine had a secret, but didn't want Ohioans to know.  Unfortunately, Mike DeWine didn't think it was important enough to tell you.


At a press conference today, Attorney General Mike DeWine informed Ohio citizens that a powerful facial recognition system with access to driver’s licenses photographs and mug shots went live on June 2

In exactly what capacity it went live, however, isn’t entirely clear. Law enforcement officers and officials in DeWine’s office disagree about whether system was in beta testing or fully launched. What is known is that since June 2, police officers have performed 2,600 searches using the new database feature, which scans driver’s license photographs and police mug shots and compares them to any image, be it a photograph or a still-frame from a surveillance camera. 

The system is designed to take advantage of the increasing prevalence of security cameras. In Cincinnati alone, police already have access to 118 security cameras, but anticipate having access to over 1,000 by the end of 2014. That number doesn’t include footage from cameras that law enforcement can acquire when private businesses cooperate in investigations. Anyone with access to the Ohio Law Enforcement Gateway can potentially identify and acquire personal information — including home addresses or driver’s license and social security numbers of strangers. 

Last week, DeWine informed The Enquirer that his office didn’t believe the public needed to be informed of the system’s launch because 26 other states already have such databases in operation.....

Right. Mike DeWine thinks that the public doesn't need to know this latest intrusion into our private information. It sort of reminds me of Gov. John Kasich's claim that the public doesn't need to know how JobsOhio is awarding money to what seems to be his corporate buddies.