Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Part of the Elite

Who knew???

Mitt Romney speaks French, and yet he accuses President Barack Obama of being European.  I just saw this on the Rachel Maddow show.


** Do you have a car elevator in your home? Mitt Romney has plans to put one in his new home which would, if elected, be his "western" White House.

ABC News:

From car elevators and outdoor showers to expansive basements and beach-view decks, Mitt Romney's plans to renovate his $12 million beachfront villa outside of San Diego are nothing short of luxury. 
But for a presidential candidate who has constantly battled the criticism that he is "out of touch" with the average American, an elevator specifically designed to lift and lower his vehicles in and out of the home's four-car garage, could make selling that "average guy" persona a tad bit tougher.... 

.....From touting his Nascar-owning friends to mentioning that he likes "being able to fire people" here's a look at some of Romney's comments that have made that "average American" persona a much harder sell.....

Remember that Romney isn't concerned about the poor. If Republicans win and the Paul Ryan budget is used as the basis for government cuts, we'll all be poor.  Romney still won't care about us.