Josh Mandel (REP) SHARES TEA PARTY VALUES State Rep., Ex-Lyndhurst City Councilman, Attorney & Iraq War Veteran
Josh Mandel (REP) SHARES TEA PARTY VALUES State Rep., Ex-Lyndhurst City Councilman, Attorney & Iraq War Veteran
Josh Mandel may have attended, graduated from law school, and taken the bar exam in 2004, but he is NOT an attorney in Ohio, according to search of records found at the Ohio Supreme Court website.
- Do you remember this video from 2010 when Josh Mandel was against cronyism but now he is apparently in support of it since his friends, buddies, and former school mates all work for him?
Is this the level of professionalism Mandel was talking about in the video???? The Dayton Daily News reported that Mandel hired friends, contributors, campaign workers, and generally inexperienced people with no financial experience.
Need a helpful chart to explain the cronyism in Mandel's office? From Twitter:
Helpful chart showing some of Josh Mandel's political cronies #ohsen
**** OMB Watch has an analysis of the Republican Paul Ryan budget which is now the adopted Republican budget:
The fiscal year (FY) 2013 budgets proposed by the House Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), Chair of the House Budget Committee, are perfect examples of the fact that budgets are about choices. The revenue proposals in each serve as a study of opposites. Where the Ryan budget would double down on the Bush tax cuts and provide huge windfalls to the country’s wealthiest, the CPC’s proposal – The Budget for All – would ask those with the most wealth to help fund important investments in our public structures....
....The total cost of Ryan’s revenue proposals – which would slash tax rates, abolish four tax brackets, eliminate the AMT, and lower the corporate tax rate without specifying any offsets – could run as high as $4.5 billion over the next decade. Ryan would make up for much of this reduction in revenues by slashing government spending on infrastructure, public safety, and programs for low-income families, specifically turning SNAP (formerly known as Food Stamps) and Medicaid into block grant programs and sharply reducing their funding over the next decade....
The real kicker is that the Paul Ryan budget increases the debt.