Saturday, January 29, 2011

You Know You're In Trouble....

You know you're in trouble when an editorial in a conservative newspaper takes you to task.  Once again, Republican Gov. John Kasich has been criticized for the composition of his administrative and personal staff.


...Jeers to a cabinet that takes Ohio back to the 1960s. For the first time since 1962, Gov. John Kasich has chosen a cabinet with no minorities on it. Diversity is one of Ohio's many strengths, and the cabinet should reflect that diversity. While Kasich had two African-Americans turn him down for positions, it's important that many divergent views are represented with quality people of color.....

Do we have the names of the two African-American individuals that turned Kasich's job offers down????  If he did have two African-American job candidates turn him down, why did he stop looking for others to fill positions?