Stivers voted to repeal the health care law even though the impact on people in Ohio's 15th district would be devastating. According to a report, the repeal of health care would impact men, women, and children in Ohio's 15th in the following ways:
- Allowing insurance companies to deny coverage to 111,000 to 299,000 individuals, including 8,000 to 38,000 children, with pre-existing conditions.
- Rescinding consumer protections for 453,000 individuals who have health insurance through their employer or the market for private insurance.
- Eliminating health care tax credits for up to 13,300 small businesses and 165,000 families.
- Increasing prescription drug costs for 6,100 seniors who hit the Part D drug “donut hole” and denying new preventive care benefits to 77,000 seniors.
- Increasing the costs of early retiree coverage for up to 8,400 early retirees.
- Eliminating new health care coverage options for 2,600 uninsured young adults.
- Increasing the number of people without health insurance by 30,000 individuals.
- Increasing the costs to hospitals of providing uncompensated care by $121 million annually....