Wednesday, January 26, 2011

This Doesn't Pass the Smell Test

I realize that the Ohio Republicans are trying their best to repress every hardworking man and woman in the state.  This latest proposal by members of the Ohio GOP just stinks.


A bill to permit private employers to award compensatory time off instead of monetary overtime compensation is expected to be introduced in the Ohio House today.

The bill, sponsored by state Rep. Jarrod Martin, R-Beavercreek, would apply mainly to small “mom and pop” businesses, Martin said. Most larger employers probably would be exempt because of federal and state wage and hour laws, he said. The compensatory time would be subject to employee approval and other conditions....

Can you imagine the abuses that this would set up?  A worker could be forced to work overtime, and later be denied the comp time because it isn't feasible for the owner. This might also be a ploy for a business owner to refuse to hire additional help and continue to pile work and responsibilities on current employees, and still refuse to give time off for time worked.