Are there some doubts being raised about Republican candidate for Congress, Steve Stivers? Here is a
Twitter Post from FixAaron:
@ What about Steve Stivers? He lost 9 percent to two guys with basically no money just because he was sort-of pro-choice. 3:43 PM Jun 16th via Seesmic in reply to IsaacWood
Hey, I'm just saying.....
Is the company started by Steve Stivers, Restructure Consultants LLC, a real business? Sure, it was registered at the Ohio Secretary of State's office, but can you find a web site listed for Restructure Consultants LLC in Columbus, Ohio? Is there a telephone number/business address for this company? As of this moment, I haven't found anything online, but I might be searching in the wrong places (I've searched both Google and Yahoo.) (Note: There appears to be several "Restructure Consultants" named companies in the U.S. and overseas that are listed on the web, but none have a full listing for Columbus.) Is Stivers so confident that he'll beat Mary Jo Kilroy that he doesn't need to work that hard at his business?
Just saying....