Friday, June 04, 2010

Is this what Kasich has planned for Ohio????

Just in case you were wondering how far right John Kasich has gone, you only need to see the headline from Grover Norquist's website:

John Kasich Signs the Taxpayer Protection Pledge

What does this mean? It appears that John Kasich has aligned himself with Grover Norquist. You remember how Grover Norquist convinced the people of Colorado Springs to cut taxes. Here is what happened, as told by

For those who don’t live in Colorado or don’t follow the whole “Tax Payers Bill of Rights” (TABOR) movement I need to set the stage a little bit. There is a this very conservative fellow by the name of Douglas Bruce. Old Dougie is more than a bit of a nutter about taxes. He and Grover Norquist have the same idea,namely, that the government never spends money well and should always be starved of all the money possible, at every turn

TABOR being passed, first in Colorado Springs, then state-wide in Colorado. One of the provisions of TABOR is that tax revenue cannot be increased except by the popular vote of the people, beyond the rate of inflation plus the rate of population growth. Beyond that limit the State or the City has to return any revenue they have collected.....

What has happened in Colorado Springs since the passage of TABOR?

Here is a list I've summarized from the Denver Post ----

- Loss of firefighters, police officers, special investigator units are gone

- Parks will no longer be maintained

- Closing of recreation centers, pools, no street repaving

- Cuts in bus service, dimming of street lights, etc.

Other articles indicate that funding has been cut in education (teacher layoffs, larger classes, elimination of programs/classes) and some libraries and museums have been closed.

Is this what Kasich has planned for Ohio? Now that Kasich has aligned himself with Grover Norquist, a Governor Kasich will destroy Ohio. Kasich would conduct a slash and burn of state government, and cut funding for education, cities, counties, police/fire, prisons, and libraries.