Thursday, September 17, 2009

Tired of Republican Hysteria??? Me Too

* Daily Kos referred to this post about the "czars" in the White House. Here is the original post from John Cole's Balloon Juice:

From wikipedia:


OMG! President Obama has less czars than George W. Bush!!!

Here is more from the DNC as posted at YouTube:

I am soooooooooo sick of the Republican outrage about nothing. The Republicans are wasting time and energy on trivial things. Very soon the Republicans will accuse the Obama administration of using too much water and oxygen in the White House. The Republicans have N-O-T-H-I-N-G to offer the American people except lies, exaggerations, and the same old crap. We should just let the GOP continue on their own path of self-destruction. While Democrats offer new ideas, the Republicans have birthers, 10thers, deathers, and elected GOPers who have morals which are shocking (Enzi, Vitter, Sanford, etc., etc.).

* On MSNBC right now, Sen. Charles Grassley said that it was the White House's fault that Grassley and Baucus did not have enough time to work out a health care plan. What a bunch of baloney (substitute your own crude word here)!!!! How much more time would Grassley like? 2 years?
5 years? 1,000 years? Grassley and the rest of his party are just trying to delay, delay, delay.