Monday, August 31, 2009

Same old stuff from the religious right

BuzzFlash has an interesting take on the far right's latest project:

The Religious Right's Freedom Federation: Old Wine in New Bottles

...Ken Blackwell, former Ohio Secretary of State and now a senior fellow for family empowerment at the Family Research Council said that the Freedom Federation “will be a stop sign and say, ‘Let's apply reason and thought and broaden participation.'" Organization spokespersons say that some of their major concerns about health care reform revolves around “taxpayer-supported abortion, rationed health care for the elderly and government control of personal health decisions,” USA Today recently reported....

(Note: There are no plans for “taxpayer-supported abortion, rationed health care for the elderly and government control of personal health decisions" in the health reform bills.)

....While some Religious Right leaders have tried to recalibrate their agendas, long-time Christian Right organizations like Tony Perkins’ Family Research Council, the Rev. Donald Wildmon’s American Family Association, Lou Sheldon’s Traditional Values Coalition, and Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum, are firmly rooted in the past. Digging in their heels, they are firmly committed to re-building their movement with the same old anti-abortion and anti-gay agenda. That retro agenda was on full display at the Freedom Federation’s inaugural press conference in June....

Wow. The Freedom Federation people must think that we are all stupid people. They think we've forgotten that they have repeated this same mantra over and over again. Same old group. Same old lies. Same old hatreds. Although they call themselves the religious right, they lie, promote hatred, and push the same worn out crap we've heard for years. I still change the channel when I see any of these righties on TV.

What book do these people from the far right use as the basis of their beliefs? The Bible I've read promotes love, understanding, taking care of the poor, healing the sick, welcoming all people, protecting the gifts of the environment, truthfulness,.....