Tuesday, February 17, 2009


The Toledo Blade questions Republican U.S. Sen. Voinovich's vote against the stimulus package:

THE nation and the state teeter on the brink of fiscal catastrophe and here's Sen. George Voinovich, voting against the economic stimulus package and claiming loudly that it is "presumptuous" of Ohio to expect help from the federal government....

...The states, he declared the other day, should not expect the federal government to provide a "slush fund" to ease their fiscal problems. Coming from a veteran state and federal official who should know better, such sophistry rings hollow....

His self-righteous show of fiscal responsibility might carry some weight if he had not consistently supported the Republican borrow-and-spend line for the past eight years....

Voinovich apparently would rather have willingly followed the former Republican President who was a total failure, than help the good people of Ohio in their time of need. Thanks for nothing, Voinovich. You showed your true allegiance, and it was not for Ohioans.