Saturday, September 27, 2008

Stivers' Campaign Money

Ohio Daily Blog:

Just a week after news broke that Steve Stivers (R-Upper Arlington) has spent $10,000 of campaign money on OSU football tickets, concert tickets, and at least one year of membership in the OSU alumni association during his tenure in the Ohio Senate, the campaign of opponent Mary Jo Kilroy (D-Columbus) has announced that Stivers appears to be breaking FEC regulations by using email software purchased through his state campaign account to send email relating to his federal election campaign:

The Kilroy for Congress campaign is seeking an immediate end to corporate lobbyist Steve Stivers' use of an E-mail program for his Congressional race that he is paying for out of his State Senate account. According to Federal Elections Commission regulation 11 CFR 110.3(d):
Transfers of funds or assets from a candidate's campaign committee or account for a nonfederal election to his or her principal campaign committee for a federal election are prohibited. No amount of money or services paid for by a state committee can be used for a federal committee....

>>>>Oh, my. Stivers needs some schooling on campaign finance laws. What is it with Ohio Republicans spending campaign money improperly?????????